Monday, February 25, 2013

Feb 25-March 1

It was good to get back to school this morning and see all the kids!  They look well rested and ready for anything!  I hope the week off treated you all well and that you were able to spend a little family time together.  I enjoyed the days I had with my family.

Teacher's Convention was great!  The keynotes were both inspiring and motivating.  I attended a couple of great workshops and did some shopping!  Thank you Parent Council for your generous gift that allowed me to pick up a couple of new resources.

  • Welcome Back!!
  • Energy Day Assembly - 8:30 a.m.
  • Library Books due
  • Eric Wilson visit - 1:00 p.m.
  • Tone it up Tuesday - bring a water bottle.  Kids may also bring a yoga mat if they choose as sit ups and push ups are hard on the gym floor.
  • Education City starts today - due next Tuesday
  • Spelling City starts today.  Class time is given and it is due March 7.
  • PINK Shirt Day - If you would like more information you can click here.
  • HOT Lunch - Taco Time
  • Frolicking Friday....dress for the weather!
Have a great week!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Feb 11-15 - addition

A couple of things I forgot to mention yesterday....

Exciting news!!  Eric Wilson, the famous Canadian mystery author, is coming to Galbraith!!  He will be here on Monday, February 25th at 9:00am for about 70 minutes.  I highly recommend checking out his website: as there are loads of good things there.  You can get a free PDF copy of one of his books, "Murder on The Canadian"; the ability to purchase PDFs of his other books for $3; the first chapter of every book he has written; a link to join his mystery club; and much more!  I have encouraged the kids to sign out one of the school's 14 copies of his books, or to read one of my copies during class.  However, there are not enough copies to go around, so if your child didn't get a copy I recommend the public library.  Other suggestions made by the class were to get a copy on an e-reader or to purchase one from somewhere like Chapters.  This is not required reading, but it is a good idea to be familiar with Eric Wilson before he arrives. 

Don't forget with the week off of school it would be a great opportunity to work on the science invention project.  They are due at school on March 11, 2013. 

Next Week:
Monday - Family Day - stat holiday
Tuesday, Wednesday - reading week break for staff and students
Thursday, Friday - Teachers' Convention - no school for students

After the Break:
School resumes on Feb. 25th (the same day as Eric Wilson). 
We will also be having our science unit test this week.  There is a copy of the review sheet on the Grade 4/5 Science page on the Galbraith webpage.  Thank you.

Lastly we promised the students today that we would post the workouts to Tone-It-Up Tuesday.  We mainly use a site called BackOnPointe.  She is a dance instructor and has designed workouts to be done without "a gym".  For the most part, the students are enjoying the workouts and I hope you too enjoy their tiredness when they come home! 

Monday, February 11, 2013

February 11-15

After years of planning, the centenniaql is FINALLY here!  It was great to see so many - old students and teachers - come through the doors for our open house Friday afternoon.  We made the news in fine fashion!  (You can click here to see the cast, it's about four and a half minutes into the news.)  I want to thank all the families that came out for our school "Old Time Barn Dance".  The kids certainly danced up a storm and enjoyed the popcorn and lemonade.  Thank you to parent council for providing that as well as to our DJ service who did a fabulous job.  As a staff, we concluded the weekend with old collegues and friends to visit at the Galt.  We had a nice turn out, with one teacher who worked in the school in the 1950's! (oops, this was corrected due to a misprint I had!)  Hats off though to our own Mrs. Emerson as she was the teacher who has taught the longest at Galbraith....33 years! (at least from those in attendance the other night!)

This week will also be a busy week of centennial festivities.  Be sure to ask your child the different things that are occuring in the classroom, I'm sure it will be a great discussion!

  • Ask your child about the seating arrangement.
  • Miss Giancarlo will be joining our class today for an orientation.  She will begin her PSII round of teaching after the Family Day - Week break.  She is currently a student from the University of Lethbridge and we look forward to welcoming her in to our classroom.
  • Library books are due! 
  • Bring a water bottle for Tone-It-Up Tuesday
  • practice day for our Centennail Showcase
  • Happy Hearts Day!  Please remember to bring in your Valentine's Cards (hopefully handmade :-) so we can exchange them in the morning.  With the day being crazy as well, I will be providing all students with a snack for the lunch in lieu of a party. 
  • Please don't send extra Valentine's treats for the students unless they are packaged up so that they can go home.  Thank you!
  • Centennial Showcase Assembly - 1p.m.  This is a performance based assembly that you are welcome to attend.  We will also be opening the time capsule from the 75th anniversary and then sealing our 100th time capsule. 
  • Remember to dress in period clothing to honour this day. 
    • Boys - white shirt, dress pants (or dark jeans) - - don't go and purchase anything.
    • Girls - dress
  • Education City due!
  • Evergreen Theatre Production at 9a.m.
  • Friday letters will come home today, be sure to sign them and return them the week following

Lastly, enjoy the Family Day weekend and the entire week off!  We will see you all February 25!  Thank you!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Valentine List

Here is a list of the students in our class. With it falling on the day of our centennial showcase assembly, valentines day will be low key. I'm asking that the valentines be handmade-in conjunction with 100 years ago, but if you have already purchased them, then please don't fret. Remember valentines day is about kindness and friendship. Tyler                 Austin                Josh                  Nathalia
Daniel               Ricardo              Marshall           Gloria
Jayden               Grace                 Kaiden              Allina
Hayden              Micah                Claire               Owen
Alyssa               Abril                   Dalton              Cole
Zack                  Dayton               Logan               Tori
Taya                  Jordan
Mrs. Nelson
Ms. Pocock
Mrs. Richardson

Monday, February 4, 2013

Feb 4 - 8

The week we have all been waiting for has quickly arrived.  The end of this week will mark the centennial festivities!  We ended up having our class photos done this morning, so your child will not need to wear the white shirt and dark bottom attire.  Those students that were absent, the photographer will be there tomorrow morning to catch up.  Here is a look at the week at a glance.

  • New spelling words assigned
  • Spelling City - assigned, due Feb. 14
  • Education City is due today!
  • bring a water bottle for our Indy 500 during Tone it Up Tuesday
  • Library Books are due today!
  • Winter Walk Day at 12:30.  Please, dress for the weather!
  • New Education City assigned today!
  • PL day for students - no school for them!
  • Open House for our Centennial 1 - 3
  • Galbraith Centennail Old Time Barn Dance & Socail for our student body 6:30
February 14 - is our Centennail Showcase Assembly - 1p.m.