Yes, we had an assembly today to kick off the beginning of our One School One Book and we were privledged to meet up with the school's newest member - Humphrey! He is so cute! Today in class we read chapter one and found out who this Humphrey character is. If you have a moment, stay connected to the school and follow along with Humphrey's blog by clinking this link. Lastly, don't forget to ask your child their new name - according to Humphrey.
Curriculum Update
LA - the start of One School One Book; finishing up on our picture stories
Science - finishing up on belt drive systems and moving into gears
Math - finishing up on patterns and moving into Multiply & Divide by 0 & 1
- Quick introduction assembly for One School One Book
- Library books are due
- Friday letters handed in
- Energy day assembly - 12:30 p.m. - - wear a TOQUE!
- Library day is today!
- HOT lunch day - WOHOO!
- Spelling City is due today...there will be class time given
- Frolicking Friday
- No enrichment this week - we will be focusing on 'The World According to Humphrey'
Have a great week!