Monday, February 24, 2014

Week of February 24-28

Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed their break. I know I sure had a great time watching Canada win gold after gold after gold! I also did some great sessions at the Teachers' Convention and have some new ideas to implement in our classroom and some new resources to use. I'm particularly excited about a book I bought called "Fatty Legs." It's by Margaret Pokiak-Fenton and it's a true story about an Inuit girl's experiences in a residential school. I read it with my class last year and we had some great discussions. The kids really connected with the story and enjoyed it. I'm so happy to now own my own copy. We are going to begin reading it on Friday during our social studies period as it relates to our social curriculum.

  • With the cold weather paying us another visit we are looking to be spending a lot of time indoors at school. This wreaks havoc on kids as they are stuck in a limited space with the same people for days at a time. We try to take more physical breaks but it's tricky. You can help at home by making sure your kids are getting at least a breath of fresh air (bundled up warmly of course!) and making sure they are burning off the energy that accumulates after a day indoors. This helps their learning tremendously. District policy says that we stay inside if the temperature, including wind chill, is -20. Even one degree warmer and we're going outside! Please make sure your child is dressed warmly enough for the weather.
  • The leprechaun trap project is due two weeks today. If you have questions, feel free to send them with your child or contact me via email or at the school. Please remember that this is meant to be a FUN not stressful project! This a chance for your child to show off his or her knowledge of simple machines, to demonstrate their creativity and to have some fun doing it. 

This week's schedule:
  • Olympics Podium Pages due
  • Library books due

  • Assembly at 8:30 a.m.
  • Hot lunch day
  • Tone it up Tuesday
  • New Spelling City assignments (due March 12)

  • Grand re-opening of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre. Activities will be going on until 6:00 p.m. and through the weekend. Visit their website here for more information.

  • Frolicking Friday (weather permitting)

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10-14

Wow - February 10!  When I said that this morning with the students it sounded odd.  Where has half the year gone?  This week is a busy one with the finishing of Humphrey, cheering on our athletes and celebrating Valentine's Day at the end of the week.

One thing we did discuss in regards to Humphrey was unplugging our electronics and turning them off.  I did challenge those students that take their electronic devices to bed to try to leave them in the kitchen at bedtime.  Research has shown us that kids are not getting enough sleep (and even the deep REM sleep to develop) and it is due to our devices.  This is a challenge for us all really.  I also did tell the students that it takes 21 days to make it a habit, so let's try this out.  One step at a time!

Curriculum Update:
Math - fractions
Science - levers ** this is the last bit of the unit and we will be having a unit exam March 6.  For a heads up there is a review sheet on the webpage. 
LA - finishing up on Humphrey! Also, we are looking into the Olympics.... (that will be a homework assignment over the reading break)

  • Library books due
  • No Friday letters to return
  • Library day today!
  • Humphrey visits OUR classroom! 
  • 100 Day of school for Grades 1 & 2

  • Valentine's Day party from 9-10 a.m.
  • I HEART Humphrey wind up assembly 10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
  • copies of Humphrey will be coming home with the oldest child
  • Frolicking Friday!  Please cross your fingers for the weather to cooperate!

LASTLY - I forgot one student on our Valentine list - that would be Miss Kitana!  My apologies girl!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mr. Schorr

Hello parents,

Yesterday Mrs. Samayoa and I learned that Mr. Schorr will be leaving Galbraith School due to health concerns. He was scheduled to be with our two classes until the middle of April however, he is finished his practicum immediately. A note from Mr. Schorr is coming home today.

How will this impact our class? Well the most obvious one is that I will be resuming teaching the subjects he was responsible for: math, computers, and PE. The marks on the report card will reflect both his and my marks. Another impact will be that the Class Dojo project will not be going ahead. This was something that Mr. Schorr was working on with the students and I will not be continuing it as I had never planned to be involved in the first place.

We wish Mr. Schorr luck wherever his path ends up taking him.

Mrs. Nelson

Monday, February 3, 2014

Feb 3 - 7

Welcome to February!  I was glad to hear that our groundhog said that spring would soon be here, but by the looks of today....well....then again, he is only a groundhog - not a meteorologist.  Yet, we can wishful think!

There are a lot of things happening here in the next couple of weeks in regards to curriculum, projects and of course Valentine's Day.  Hold on, as time is going to fly by!

Curriculum Update
LA - Humphrey all the way!  Remember to check the blog and Mrs. Chase's question of the day blog too.  There will be no formal spelling these next two weeks, as we want to devote our time to the One School One Book project. 
Math - multiply and divide by 0 & 1.  Understading the rules, rather than memorizing will help with student success!  We will also be moving into fractions (of a whole and of a set)
Science - continuing our learning on Gears

  • Library books & Friday letters are due.
  • Library day


  • No School - Professional Learning Day

-- -- Remember to be thinking of your Leprechaun Trap.  It is due Monday, March 10. 
On a side note, students will also have a take home Olympic project over the break that will be due Monday February 24, 2014.   Thank you!

Valentine's List

We will be exchanging our Valentine's on Friday, February 14 in class. 

Eric A.
Eric B.

Mrs. Nelson
Ms. Hopp
Mrs. Sincennes