- Math: This week finds us delving into multiplication. There are many strategies for learning the multiplication facts, and it is important for each child to find what works best for him/her. It is expected that by the end of grade 4, these facts are committed to memory. There was an update from Alberta Education last year about it. Please read it here. If you would like some practice sheets for at home, you can generate your own here.
- Language Arts:
- Writing: I would like all students to either be finished or close to finishing their photography projects this week.
- Spelling: Lesson 6 Assessment this Thursday.
- Science: This week we will be exploring gears.
- Social: Ask your child how the Canadian Shield is named the way it is - we introduced this region last week and will continue learning about it this week.
This Week's Schedule:
- Friday Letters due
- Library books due
- Hot lunch
- Energy Day Assembly 12:30 p.m.
- Tone It Up Tuesday - many students are still not bringing water bottles
- Family Fun Night 6:30-8:00 p.m. Galbraith gym
- Guitar Club after school for some students
- Professional Learning Day for teachers; no school for students