Monday, March 21, 2016

Week of March 21-25

  • Volunteer for swimming if you are able.  We would love to have you!
  • No school next week.  Enjoy the break!
  • After Easter, we will be encouraging all students to use the handwriting we have been learning all year. 

Math - subtracting decimals to the 10ths and 100ths place.  There will be a quick Show What You Know on Thursday for our decimal unit.
Science - finishing up with our Waste In Our World unit.  We will be discussing water, biodegradability and the Garbage R's.
Social - learning about Rocky Mountain House, Fort Edmonton and who David Thompson was.
LA - finishing our persuasive essay.  There will be no new spelling until after the break.

Week at a Glance:
  • Library books & Friday letters due in
  • Hot Lunch!
  • Assembly at 12:45 p.m.
  • Family Fun night in the gym - with an adult 6-7:15 p.m. (badminton)
  • Grade 3 CUPCAKE sale!  50 cents each!

  • FULL day of learning!
  • Math quick quiz
  • Science - Waste In Our World Unit Test

  • No School - Good Friday!
  • Enjoy your Easter break and we will see you on April 4, 2016.

Monday, March 14, 2016

March 14-18

Welcome to the day after the day we Spring Ahead!  It was certainly hard to get out of bed on an hour less......and we all made it with smiles on our face!

  • Remember to send in the report card envelope.  Thank you!
  • Book fair ends today.  Thank you for the support!
  • We will be making our traps tomorrow afternoon.  Send in your supplies - thank you!
Math - continuing on in fractions and learning about decimals. (tenths and hundredths)
LA - this week we will be writing the body paragraphs of our opinion essay.
Science - learning about the hazardous symbols and water usage
Social - starting in on the Fur Trade

Week at a Glance:
  • Happy Pi Day!  3.14
  • Book Whisperer Club in library at noon


  • Choir - 3:30-4:30 p.m.
  • Book Whisperer Club in library at noon

  • Frolicking - dress for the weather
  • Enrichment
  • Stuffed Animal Spirit Day

Monday, March 7, 2016

Week of March 7 - 11

Welcome to what looks to be a beautiful week!  I hope everyone had a great weekend and had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather on Saturday.  I have to say, I even enjoyed listening to the rain while I relaxed on Sunday morning.

  • Please sign and return the report card envelope ASAP so I can use them for the final report card in June.
  • Hot lunch money is due tonight at 10:00 p.m. at
  • Celebration of Learning is this Thursday.  Come and go between 6 and 8 p.m.  We'd love to show you all we've been learning!  If you have something you'd like to discuss with me more privately you can book an interview with me for Friday morning at that time.  There will be no school for students that day.

  • Math: We continue learning about fractions including comparing unit fractions (e.g. which is greater, 1/6 or 1/2?) and comparing fractions with the same denominator (e.g. which is greater 3/8 or 7/8?).  You can help at home by pointing out fractions when you see them, and showing the differences between different sets.  The students were having a hard time seeing the difference between a fraction of one set and the same fraction of a different set (e.g. 3/5 of 20 is more than 3/5 of 10 because 3/5 of 20 is 12 and 3/5 of 10 is 6).  A helpful site is the Khan Academy (linked on the side) which will show you videos of how to do different math concepts.  You may need to sign up for a free account but it's a great resource when kids are stuck on something and just need to hear it in a different way.  There are practice questions as well.  Just search "fractions."  We do not need to know more than basic fractions, and we do not add or subtract them or anything. Another great resource is IXL.  It is not free, but you can do 20 free questions per day.
  • L.A:
    • Spelling: Lesson 11 is coming home today.
    • Writing: The introduction paragraph of our persuasive essays will be written this week.
  • Science: We will be learning about hazardous waste this week and the hazardous materials symbols.
  • Social: We are very excited that Mrs. Big Bull, our FNMI Liaison will be meeting with us today for an in-school field trip to learn about the First Nations people of Alberta as we begin Book 2 of Our Alberta.

This Week's Schedule:
  • Library books due
  • Friday Letters due

  • School Council meeting 6:30-8:00 p.m.

  • Celebration of Learning 6:00-8:00 p.m.

  • Parent/Teacher Interviews (as required) - no school for students

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Feb. 29 - March 4

Happy Leap Year!  Report card marks are in and report cards will go home this Friday!

  • I have received great feedback about "Remind" - the communication tool we started using this month.  If you haven't signed up, please do - it's great!  You don't need to download an app and you can sign up to receive text messages or emails.  I can then send out announcements to all parents, or we can have a private chat.  As a parent, I love receiving the messages from my son's teacher.  It's such a quick and easy way to communicate.  If you can't find the note that went home, just let me know and I can send another one.  Each parent can sign up individually as well so if your child spends time in different households, this makes sure that both parents get the reminders.  Thanks so much to the parents who signed up so far!

  • Math: We're still having fun learning about fractions.
  • L.A:
    • Spelling: Spelling assessment for Lesson 10 on Thursday; activities for Lesson 10 due
    • Writing: We have started learning about writing persuasive essays and will choose our topics this week.
  • Science: Waste in Our World continues with waste in nature.
  • Social: We will finish up our stay-cation in the Grasslands Region.

This Week's Schedule:
  • Friday Letters due
  • Library books due

  • Indy 500 - dress to run!

  • Frolicking Friday
  • Report cards go home