Monday, May 30, 2016

Week of May 30 - June 3, 2016

Are you kidding me right now?  June starts this week??  How did that even happen?!  Time really does fly when you're having fun I guess!

  • If you're wanting to order a Gregg LeRock CD, please have your order form and money in by tomorrow.
  • If your child is interested in being a patroller next year, please have their form signed and returned by the end of the week at the latest.

  • Math: We're going to finish with division by the end of the week.  We are still focused on division in our Mad Minutes.
  • L.A.
    • Spelling: New words today.
    • Writing: We are finished with Kenny and the Dragon and are going to start on some end of the year stuff.
  • Science: The test for the plants unit is going home today.  Please sign and return it.  We're going to take a little break this week as we prepare for our final unit and learn some neat paper tricks!
  • Social: Our Early School Days role playing was really great.  The kids really got into their parts and I think they learned a lot about what it may have felt like to be a student a long time ago.  I have to say though, it's exhausting maintaining the strict school marm façade!  Now we're onto learning about Alberta becoming a province.

This Week's Schedule:
  • Friday Letters due
  • Library books due

  • Energy Day Assembly 12:45 p.m.
  • Family Fun Night 6:00-7:15 p.m.

  • Cemetery Tour with Belinda from the Galt Museum

  • Volunteer Tea 10:30-11:30 a.m.
  • Frolicking Friday

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Science Review

Science Review

Study Guide – Plant Growth and Change

1. Define the following words: 

  • Germination
    • How a plant begins to grow
  • Pollination
    • When an insect (like a bee) transfers pollen from one plant to another and fertilizes it
  • Photosynthesis
    • The process of turning sunlight and carbon dioxide into food for the plant
  • Chlorophyll
    • The chemical in a plant that makes it green and helps in photosynthesis

2. What are the similarities and differences between the basic needs of plants and humans? (HINT: see VENN diagram)
  • We need each other
  • Both need
    • shelter, love, water, food, sunlight
  • Plants need:
    • Soil
  • Humans need:
    • Clothing
3. Describe the Oxygen Cycle. (HINT: What gases do plants and animals give off?)
  • Plants give off oxygen and take in carbon dioxide
  • Humans breathe out carbon dioxide and breathe in oxygen
4. What are some products that we can get from plants?
  • Cotton - jeans/clothing
  • Latex - rubber (from trees) and gum
  • Paper

5. What is the purpose of a plant’s:
  • Leaves - absorbs sunlight and makes food
  • Stem - holds the plant up, brings water up from the roots
  • Bulb - stores food over the winter for some plants
  • Roots - holds the plant in the soil, absorbs water

6. What is function of the different parts of a flower?
  • Stamen/Carpel - reproduction
  • Sepals - protection of the bud
  • Petals - brightly coloured to attract insects.

7. What is the difference between a fibrous and tap root?
  • Fibrous - like a carrot - one long root with little hair-like roots coming off it
  • Tap - like a marigold - many roots all the same length and tangled together

8. What is the difference between simple and compound leaves?
  • Simple - one leaf blade with a rib and veins that flow up the leaf
  • Compound - made up of many little leaves

9. Describe the different stages in the life cycle of a bean plant? (HINT: Look at your title page).
  • Seed begins to grow -> leaves and roots develop -> flowers bloom on adult plant -> seeds form in the flower -> plant dies and seeds are scattered

10. What does the inside of a bean plant look like?
  • Embryo (new plant)
  • Cotyledon (stored food)
  • Seed coat 

11. How do plants begin to grow? (ex. seed)
  • Water softens the seed coat and causes the seed to swell
  • The embryo grows
  • The roots grow down into the soil
  • The stem grows up above the soil 
12. What are the different ways that seeds scan be dispersed for reproduction?
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Wind
  • Explosive
  • Scat (animals)
  • Hitch hikers

May 23-May 27

Welcome back to the sun now that the long weekend is over!  I hope that if any of you went camping, you were able to stay dry and have some fun.

  • Math: We are now learning about how to divide with remainders.  We continue our division Mad Minutes, and this is an area that really needs some practice at home.
  • Language Arts:
    • Writing: We will be finishing up with Kenny and the Dragon this week. 
    • Spelling: No assessment due to our trip to see Gregg LeRock
  • Science: We will wrap up the Plant Growth and Change unit with a unit test on Thursday.  See the "Science Review" tab for the study guide
  • Social: We will be learning about some of the many reasons people came to what is now Alberta

This Week's Schedule:
  • I hope you enjoyed the day off!

  • Medieval Feast - ask your child about how awesome our feast and festival were!
  • Money for spring photos due (you can pay online following the directions on the form)
  • Ms. Arndt, an Education student from the University will be starting with us.  She will be here for six weeks.
  • Field trip to the Yates to see Gregg LeRock

  • Frolicking Friday
  • Favourite Book Character Day
  • Intro to School Safety Patrol

Monday, May 16, 2016

Week of May 16-20

Market Day is almost here!  PLEASE check in with your child to see what they need for their stall (e.g. cups, juice jugs, napkins, baking, etc.).

  • Spring pictures went home today.  Money is due May 24 if you are ordering.
  • Please make sure to see the email that went home about volunteering for the One School One Book Medieval Feast
  • Speaking of volunteering, if you'd like to come help us with Market Day, we'd love to have you!

  • Math: Continuing to work on multiplication.
  • LA
    • Spelling: New words (Lesson 15)
    • Writing: We are loving our Kenny and the Dragon One School One Book
  • Science: Looking at seed dispersal and getting ready for our unit test next week
  • Social: Postponed due to Market Day (it actually fits in with our social curriculum beautifully!)

This Week's Schedule:
  • Library books due

  • Need to be ready for Market Day

  • Market Day - students will be selling their wares and will have an opportunity to shop as well

  • CAP (Classroom Agriculture Program) visiting

  • No school for an extra long Victoria Day weekend - enjoy!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Week of May 9-13

My apologies!  I completely missed transferring my post last week and today I am late!  It must be getting to a busy time of year...then again - it is always busy! 

As a grade 4 team we are excited for the kindness of your children and their willingness to host a Market Day in the help to donating to the Red Cross for the Fort McMurray fire relief efforts.  A note went home today to explain more about this adventure and the Market Day will occur on May 18.  (Yes, this is a quick turn around as we find it best and most effective).

  • Registrations are now past due.  Please send them into the office as it helps us to prepare for next year.
  • Gymnastics will finish this week.  Please remind your child to bring a pair of shorts and short sleeve t-shirt to participate.
  • The Galt Cemetery tour is this Thursday.  It is a fantastic field trip if you are able to join us.
  • The hot lunch order for May is up on School Cash Online.  There will be a formal invitation to join us at the feast sent home this week.
  • Don't forget to send back in the permission for The Fort field trip in June.   
Math: starting on multiplying 3x1 digit numbers.  Practice those math basic facts for immediate recall of the facts up to the 9 times table.
Science: learning about what is inside of a seed and some different seed types.
Social: the building of the CPR and it's impact on settling the west
LA: today we launched our ONE SCHOOL ONE BOOK project - "Kenny & the Dragon".  We will be reading the book for the next three weeks and going back in time to medieval days.

Week at a Glance:
  • Friday letters returned
  • Kenny & the Dragon - book launch

  • Library day

  • clothing order for Galbraith clothing closes today at 10 (online - school cash)

  • Cemetery tour - at noon.  Please send a lunch with your child as we will be eating at 11:15.
  • NO school for students.  This is a Professional Learning day for staff.