- Registration forms for next year were sent home TODAY. These are due back by FRIDAY. Please be sure all information is correct and everything that needs to be signed is signed.
- New homework calendars will be sent out this week.
- Math: We have begun learning about fractions! You can help at home by talking about how you use fractions in your daily life at home or at work.
- L.A.
- Lesson 11 words went home today.
- Writing: Connected with our Waste in Our World unit in science we will be learning how to write persuasively.
- Science: With the Wheels and Levers unit finished we will begin the Waste in Our World unit this week.
- Social: The Boreal Forest unit took a little longer to travel through than expected (it is after all 50% of Alberta!) and so we will finish up this week and then head way north to the Canadian Shield Region.
This Week's Schedule:
- Registration forms sent home
- Homework Journals due
- Tone It Up Tuesday
- Family Fun Night 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the gym
- Library books due
- Assembly 12:35 p.m.
- Choir after school
- Frolicking Friday