- If you volunteered this year and did not get an invitation to the Volunteer Tea on Friday, please check with your child. If it still doesn't turn up, please let me know!
- Math: We will be reviewing multiplying and dividing bigger numbers and then having the test on that unit. After that comes our unit on Area.
- L.A.
- Spelling: We are going to stop our formal lessons and instead do some review of the lists we have worked on this year. This may come in the form of finishing lessons or playing games with the words.
- Writing: We are getting close to finishing our novel, "Fatty Legs."
- Science: This week we will be learning more about the inside of a seed and different types of seeds.
- Social: Our field trip to the cemetery ties in directly to our social studies curriculum. We will also be learning more about the North West Mounted Police (mounted not mountain as some kids like to say ;) )
This Week's Schedule:
- Friday Letters and library books due
- Energy Day Assembly 12:45
- Yo-yo Empire assembly 9:00 a.m.
- Hot lunch
- Family Fun Night in the gym 6:00-7:15 p.m.
- Cemetery Tour (we will have our lunch when we get back)
- Volunteer Tea 10:15 a.m.