Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Welcome to the new year!!

I am so excited to welcome you to my class this year!  I can't wait to see the awesome learning and adventures that you child and myself will embark on.  It was a pleasure to meet some of you this morning as well as your child and I'm thankful that they are here.  I only ask one thing of your child and that is that they try their best.  Please take the time to ask your child what the rules are of the classroom (and they should be able to tell you as I only have two!)

I use this blog as a tool to help keep you informed with upcoming events, learning happening in the classroom and little things that can be done at home to help out the school environment.  I do my best to update this blog once a week (every Monday) but I would like to make it a goal this year to add some other posts. 

A couple of other pieces of information before I give you the weekly update:
  1. Please read and sign your child's agenda. Please do this every day even if there is not a message.
  2. Home Reading is a very important component of a child's learning and it starts now! Please take note of the labels in your child's agenda on today's date (Sept. 3) and on the calendar for September. (I will place this label in there tomorrow.)
  3. There is an option to the left to "Follow by Email." If you would like to receive email notifications of when my blog is updated, please sign up.

This week at a glance:

  • Welcome to school! 
  • "Introducing... Spectacular Me" assignment sent home

  • School Council meeting 7:00 p.m.

  • "Introducing... Spectacular Me" assignment due
  • Welcome Back Assembly 8:30 a.m.
  • First day of Frolicking Friday - wear appropriate outdoor footwear

Thank you for leaving your child in my care this year.  It is an honour. 

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