Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3-7

As I write this, the temperature has warmed up to a chilly -17 but yet warm enough to hear your child excited to go outside!  I look forward to the weather warming up and spring to be here! 

LA - starting a new unit related to Science with Dr. Seuss and the Lorax
Math - finishing up on fractions and decimals
Science - wrapping up our unit on Simple Machines

REMINDER - - the Leprechaun Traps are due next MONDAY!  (Also, don't forget to do the write up that goes with the project)

Update on the week at hand:
  • Friday Letters due
  • Library books due back
  • Mrs. Heimbecker - our lead FNMI teacher from board office - came into our class this morning to do a presentation about residential schools and a kick off for our new social studies novel "Fatty Legs."  We will be reading this over the next couple of weeks on Fridays to learn about what the schools are and the impact they had on our society.  Ask your child what else they learned this morning from her.
  • Library day! -There is a library challenge going on...ask your child about it!

  • Science test

  • Frolicking Friday - weather permitting - cross your fingers!

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