Monday, September 29, 2014

Sept 29-Oct 3

Thank you for an amazing Trickster week!  The show was fabulous!  The kids were amazing and the memories will last a lifetime.   I will say though that I am glad to be back into a routine this week for our learning.

  • As the weather gets cooler, please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. We only keep students in for indoor recess when the temperature drops to -19 or is unsafe (e.g. abnormally strong winds or a thunderstorm).

In the Classroom:
  • Math - finishing up the graphing unit. Please keep practicing on Splash Math at home.
  • LA - we are finishing up our Life Maps and starting a suspense story writing unit. This is our last week of homophones (please practice on; and our last week for SRA.
  • Social - we will resume this subject this week now that Trickster is over and are starting to learn about the Rocky Mountain Region.
  • Science - we will be studying how objects are either transparent, translucent or opaque.

This Week's Schedule:
  • Friday letters were a little different last week.  Make sure your child took the time to write in their own behaviour paragraph.  I enjoy reading the comments and letters you write back to your child. 
  • Library books due.

  • Energy Day assembly 12:30 p.m.
  • Art Portfolios due - students have had 2 hours of class time and an extra week and a half to complete this project. Please check in with your child to see if they have taken care of this "Big Rock"

  • Life Maps due - this project was started the week before last. The students had all last week to work on it and a little bit of this week. These may come home for homework since so much class time was given. Please check in with your child about this project as well.

  • Frolicking Friday
  • Enrichment starts!

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