Monday, June 8, 2015

Week of June 8-12

It's going to be a hot one!  Parents, please make sure your child has a water bottle at school.  I allow students to keep one in class (water only), and in this hot weather it's more important than ever to stay hydrated.  I would hate for one of the kids to become dehydrated.

Note: You will start to notice items coming home to stay.  I would rather clean out slowly than have the kids take home a 50 pound backpack on the last day of school.  That being said, we are still learning and following routines, so please make sure your child is well rested and ready for school (I know it's hard at this time of year!!).
  • Math: We will return once again to multiplication and division this week mostly through games.
  • Language Arts:
    • Writing: We will continue our Lego writing unit.
    • Spelling: We are finished with our spelling for the year!  As soon as the booklets are all marked they will be sent home.
  • Science: We are going to begin our final unit: Building Vehicles and Devices that Move.  This unit will mostly be taught through the Travelling Lab Coats program, and a mechanical engineer will be coming to visit us.
  • Social: This week we are going to review the early school days and what it was like "back in the day" and we will also be learning about homesteads.
  • PE: With the weather being lovely, we will be going outside a fair bit.

This Week's Schedule:
  • Friday Letters due

  • Cemetery Tour - we leave the school at 9:00 (see note that went home a couple of weeks ago)
  • Tone It Up Tuesday
  • School Council 6:30 p.m.

  • Sports Day - students should come ready to play outside all morning with running shoes;  volunteers welcome

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dear mrs nelson this is Amiyahs how are you what is your phone number? My number is 3093362990 my sister said hi to you sid hi to you see you on monday