Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Week of Oct 5 - 9

What a great week last week was!  With the Energy Day Assembly, Terry Fox colour run, and the start of Enrichment it was certainly a full one and the kids' Friday Letters really reflected that!

  • Watch for Homework Journals coming home!  This is a scribbler with a calendar of activities for every weekday.  It will go home at the beginning of the month with three weeks' worth of activities and will be due back at school on the date indicated on the calendar.  Don't panic - they're meant to be simple yet effective and fun.
  • Please help your child remember to have any homework items returned to class every day as students get behind when their work is not at school.  I like students to be responsible for their own work, so you may receive a phone call from them if they have forgotten an item.

  • Math - We will continue with patterns this week looking at extending them, naming them and describing them.
  • L.A.
    • Spelling - New words this week - check out Lesson 2!  Lesson 1 activities are now due and you may see the booklet coming home for catch-up work.
    • Writing - We'll start a suspense unit this week that will take all of October.
  • Science - We will study shadows this week.
  • Social - This week we start learning about the beautiful Rocky Mountain Region.

Do you wish you would hear more than a quick "good" when you ask your child "How was school today?"  Children actually love to talk about their day and what they are doing, but sometimes it takes a little bit of prompting.  Here are some more fun, open-ended questions that typically encourage children to share the most about their day.  I will continue to share 4 or 5 every week.
  1. Which assignment/activity did you feel most confident about today?
  2. How is it going with your school activities and assignments?
  3. What's the most interesting thing you heard at school today?
  4. If you could change just ONE thing about school, what would it be?
  5. What made you laugh/worry/smile in school today?

This Week's Schedule:
  • Professional Learning Day - no school for students

  • Library Day
  • Friday Letters due

  • Tone It Up Thursday

  • Frolicking Friday

**Reminder: No school on Monday next week for Thanksgiving

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