Monday, May 9, 2016

Week of May 9-13

My apologies!  I completely missed transferring my post last week and today I am late!  It must be getting to a busy time of year...then again - it is always busy! 

As a grade 4 team we are excited for the kindness of your children and their willingness to host a Market Day in the help to donating to the Red Cross for the Fort McMurray fire relief efforts.  A note went home today to explain more about this adventure and the Market Day will occur on May 18.  (Yes, this is a quick turn around as we find it best and most effective).

  • Registrations are now past due.  Please send them into the office as it helps us to prepare for next year.
  • Gymnastics will finish this week.  Please remind your child to bring a pair of shorts and short sleeve t-shirt to participate.
  • The Galt Cemetery tour is this Thursday.  It is a fantastic field trip if you are able to join us.
  • The hot lunch order for May is up on School Cash Online.  There will be a formal invitation to join us at the feast sent home this week.
  • Don't forget to send back in the permission for The Fort field trip in June.   
Math: starting on multiplying 3x1 digit numbers.  Practice those math basic facts for immediate recall of the facts up to the 9 times table.
Science: learning about what is inside of a seed and some different seed types.
Social: the building of the CPR and it's impact on settling the west
LA: today we launched our ONE SCHOOL ONE BOOK project - "Kenny & the Dragon".  We will be reading the book for the next three weeks and going back in time to medieval days.

Week at a Glance:
  • Friday letters returned
  • Kenny & the Dragon - book launch

  • Library day

  • clothing order for Galbraith clothing closes today at 10 (online - school cash)

  • Cemetery tour - at noon.  Please send a lunch with your child as we will be eating at 11:15.
  • NO school for students.  This is a Professional Learning day for staff.

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