Monday, January 16, 2017

Week of Jan. 16-20

The sun is shining and it's great to be outside! 

  • It is much warmer than last week but still winter.  Please make sure your child comes equipped with the right gear for playing outside.  We have recess time for 55 minutes, and our PE periods twice a week are 30 minutes each outside. 

  • Math: We have started multiplication Mad Minutes this week.  You can help at home by helping your child practice the strategies we are learning at school.  For example, skip counting is a great way to become more familiar with the basic facts, and today we talked about multiplying by 2 means doubling the number.  In our lessons we are learning about patterns in tables and charts.
  • LA:
    • Spelling: Lesson 8 continues with the assessment on Thursday.
    • Writing: We will be starting a new writing project this week that will use photography to help tell a story.
  • Science: We get to learn about gears this week!  You can help at home by pointing out gears when you see them or have your child find them.  Talk about what they're for and how they work.
  • Social: We will be leaving the Parkland region this week, but not before we discuss natural resources and our own heritage.  You can help at home by discussing what is special to your family e.g. foods, skills, languages, celebrations, items/heirlooms, crafts, and stories.

This Week's Schedule:
  • Friday letters due

  • Tone It Up Tuesday
  • School Council Meeting 6:30 p.m.
  • Library books due

  • Choir after school for those students involved

  • New Enrichment starts!
  • Frolicking Friday

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