Monday, September 30, 2013

Sept 30 - Oct 4

Sorry for the late post. It's hard to believe that we have completed the fist month of school. Fall is truly here with the weather we had today, so just a reminder that your child is dressing appropriately for it. We have had a great first month of school. We have learned the classroom routines and expectations. Students by now should be taking responsibility for their learning and their belongings. Things included in those categories would be making sure their agendas are filled out and signed and returned daily; home reading recorded in the agenda calendar; Friday Letters signed and returned every Monday and homework assignments returned promptly.

In math, we have finished our first unit on whole numbers. In grade four, students are expected to know numbers up to the ten thousands place and understand all of their components. They should be able to give the number in standard form (32,573), expanded form (30,000 + 2000 + 500 + 70 + 3), base 10 name (3 ten thousands, 2 thousands, 5 hundreds, 7 tens, 3 ones), base 10 picture (draw big cubes for ten thousands, cubes for thousands, a square for hundreds, a stick for tens and a dot for ones), ordinal number (32,573rd), words (thirty-two thousand five hundred seventy-three) and place value (there is a 3 in the ten thousands place, etc.). How you can help at home: have your child read numbers for you, give you the place value of certain digits, show them when you write a cheque, get them to teach you how we made numbers using playing cards, go on a number hunt while in the car or through a newspaper. Show them how we use numbers in real life and make it fun!

This week's schedule:

Monday: •Friday Letters due

Tuesday: •bring a water bottle for Tone it Up Tuesday

Thursday: •Swimming from 1-3 p.m. Dress for ANY weather - we will be walking over.

Friday: •Frolicking Friday - again, dress for any weather and wear proper outdoor footwear for running and walking

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