Monday, October 28, 2013

Oct 28-Nov 1

My apologies for a late post!  I won't bore you with my evening, but here it is LATE after a night of hockey and meetings and family time! 

Here is a quick curriculum update:
1. We have just finished our first pattern unit in exploration.  We will revisit the pattern unit about four - five times this year. 
2. In math we are moving into adding and subtracting 3 and 4 digit numbers.  An area of help for this unit is using MathFactsPro DAILY (for five minutes).  Once students are able to quickly recall their math facts, the strategy of how to add and subtract falls into place. 
3. Lastly, we are finishing up on the Lights & Shadows unit in Science.  There will be a test on Wednesday this week.  Our next unit is Gears, Levers, Axles, Pulleys & Simple Machines.  I love this unit! 

The week at a glance:
  • Fundraising envelopes were due back in today!  That was my fault to not write in the agenda last week.  If you still have them at home, please return them so we can get a grand total.
  • Library today!
  • Leaps & Bounds program will be starting.  This is taught to us by the nursing students from the UofL.  It is a 5 lesson program to discuss being tobacco free.
  • Science test 
  • Parade at 8:45 a.m.  Please send your child dressed in costume.  You may also want to send a change of clothes. 
  • HOT lunch day!
  • Energy Day Assembly 12:30 p.m.
  • DANCE -A- THON  

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