Curriculum Update:
1. Math - moving into time. The students will be introduced to metric notation (writing the date in only numbers); telling time (digital and analog) to the hour, quarter, and minute; as well as learning about elapsed time (the amount of time that passes between activities).
2. LA - peace poems. The students have been writing a variety of entries based on peace and will be creating their poems in the next couple of weeks.
3. Social - still studying the regions of Alberta. The students have covered the Rocky Mountain Region and are now visiting the Foothills.
4. Science - Simple Machines. Last week we had an introduction to the Simple Machines unit using toys and some mystery sounds. Ask your child what they have learned so far.
Lastly, we are glad to welcome into the class Mr. J. Georgeson. He will be with us until early December teaching your child. He is in his first teaching practicum under the supervision of myself. He will be joining us for some parent teacher interviews next week. Should you have any questions that need to be directed to him, you can send them in the agenda or of course email me and I will pass them on.
Speaking of parent teacher interviews - please don't forget to sign up for them! Go onto the Galbraith webpage and there is a link on the left hand side for Parent Teacher Interview Booking.
Week at a Glance:
- Spelling City due
- Library today
- I will be away this morning for a dentist appointment (I will return for this afternoon)
- 9 a.m. MAGIC show! This is a reward for the Dance-a-Thon fundraiser. There will be a morning show as well as a parent evening show.
- Enrichment Friday - we have had a few weeks off and we are excited to return to our routine!
- Clothing orders are due. There will be a new "logo" on the hoodies as well as a "7 Habits" t-shirt. I'm excited to order mine!
- Frolicking Friday! DRESS for the weather!
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