Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14 - 18

I had a fabulous time in Edmonton getting the chance to tour two Leader in Me schools, take lots of pictures and bring back a ton of ideas for the classroom.  I also attended three different break out sessions on Wednesday of my choice.  The first one I went to was listening to Dr. John and Jane Covey about bringing the 7 Habits to families.  Another session was how one school uses leadership notebooks and taking information from them to adapt it into my own classroom and the school too and just finding what way works best.  The last session I went to was probably the best.  It was put on by the LEGO corporation and the whole time was spent playing with Lego!  They even gave each participant in the session a mini bag to take home.   They gave us a variety of real life ways to use Lego in the classroom.  If you happen to have any Lego that you are wanting to get rid of, or see it at a garage sale, keep me in mind and I will gladly reimburse you and use it for our Leaders of Tomorrow! 

I enjoyed though coming back to see how the students did with their own leadership roles with the substitute teacher and overall the feedback was quite positive, with a few fixes to be done.  Having them take an active role in their learning puts them in charge, helps them to be proactive and of course we all win!

This week's schedule:
  • THREE important pieces of paper are coming home today - one about our in-class science project on Wednesday (recycled robots), another is a study guide for the Waste in our World science test that will happen after the break, the final one is a request for a T-shirt we can use
  • School Council tonight at 6:30 with a call being made to the Minister of Education

  • Library books due
  • Last day of gymnastics - look for gym clothes to come home
  • Beef jerky pickup - 6:00-8:00 p.m.

  • Recycled Robots day - have any junk items to school by then (see yellow note coming home)

  • No school - Good Friday

Next week:
  • Monday to Friday - no school for Spring/Easter Break - enjoy the time off!  We will return to school Monday, April 28. 

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