Monday, September 8, 2014

Sept. 8-12

Week 2 is under way with a full week of learning ahead!  Thank you for a great first week and I look forward to more to come.  

We are working on our routines, getting to know each other and the expecatations we have of each other.  I look forward to great things this year from your child and their peers!

  • Friday Letters to be returned.  Thank you to the parents who wrote back to their child.  I enjoyed reading the feedback this morning. 
  • ME Museum Projects were due in today.  We will be presenting them all week and I look forward to learning more about you.
  • We started French today!  Ask your child what they learned.
  • Parent Council tonight at 6:30 (and as I shut down my computer for the night and leave the meeting, I realized that I did not hit publish on this document!  My apologies!)

  • First day of library!
  • Tone It Up Tuesday - bring a water bottle.

  • Family BBQ and Meet the Teacher Night - I look forward to meeting with all of you that night!

  • Frolicking Friday - please make sure your child is dressed for the weather and has good shoes for running and walking

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