Monday, October 6, 2014

Oct 6 - 10

It's hard to believe that we are already into October and fall is upon us.  Please remember to have your child dress for the crazy Southern Alberta weather. 

  • We were challenged by Mrs. Samayoa's class to a reading competition.  Our class did a fantastic job logging their reading but came up short by about 300 minutes.  The details have not been finalized as to when we will be cleaning their room. 

  • Did you know that this week is Fire Prevention Week?  This year's theme is "Working fire alarms save lives."  It's a good idea to check your smoke detector twice a year to make sure it's working, so when you have to change your clocks for Daylight Savings, check your smoke detector too!

  • In the Classsroom:
    LA -
    • Guided reading starts.  Each child has been placed in a group at his/her reading level and will be in a small group with an adult. 
    • Guided spelling starts this week also.  Each child has also been leveled according to their spelling ability.  New spelling new sorts will be given out every other week.  Please practice the sorts at home.  (Refer to the blue newsletter that went home today). 
    • Lastly, we are starting a "Suspense" story writing unit. 
    • We finished up with graphing last week (bar graphs and pictographs)
    • This week, our focus is on PATTERNS!
    Science -  continuing on with Lights and Shadows.  We will be talking about refraction, absorption, reflection and transparent, translucent and opaque.

    Social - a more guided in depth study of the Rocky Mountain Region.

    This week:
    • Friday letters signed and returned
    • Library books due in
    • Picture money due
    • Library day today
    • Tone it up Tuesday - will be INDY 500.  Please remember your water bottle.


    • Frolicking Friday - please dress for the weather.

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