Welcome to Grade Four!! I am so excited to start a new year and to get to know everyone. I have lots of reasons to be excited about this year. First of all, I joined Twitter! Please follow me @nelsonclassgr4 for daily tweets about the goings-on of our class. The students will help me post the day-to-day things that normally parents wouldn't get a chance to see. Secondly, I had some new ideas over the summer that I'm looking forward to putting into action. For example, check out our "What stuck with you today?" board that I'll post a picture of on Twitter. Thirdly, our already amazing Grade 4 team has grown! Miss Romanchuk has already shown Mrs. Samayoa and I that she's going to be a dynamite member of our team, and Ms. Rahim rejoins us as our resident Grade 4/5 teacher. It's going to be a great year and I can't wait to get going!
A few things to get us started:
- Thank you for checking out this blog! This is my main source of communication between school and home. Please check every Monday for the latest update. It will include curriculum information and events for the week. If it helps, you can get email reminders by clicking the link and signing up to be notified when there is a new post. If there is an extra post in a week, there will be a note about it in the agenda. Please take a minute to explore the blog to find out the tools and resources I have available.
- Speaking of the agenda, this is another very important tool. Your child will write to you every day with reminders and notes. Please read and sign the agenda every single day and encourage your child to be responsible for having it at school every morning.
- Your child has homework! Sorry, I know that's just cruel handing out homework on the very first day, but this is cool! Every student gets to have a leadership role in our classroom by being part of a team. The homework is to read the information about the teams and fill out the application form. These forms are due on Friday so that we can get going right away with our routines.
- Another little "assignment" we have for the kids is to please bring an empty toilet paper role to school for an activity preferably by tomorrow.
- We have a Welcome Back assembly on Friday at 10:15. Parents are always very welcome to join us for these occasions.
- Another date to put into your calendars right away is Sept. 9 - our Welcome Back BBQ and Meet the Teacher Night. I can't wait to give you some more information about Grade 4 including homework expectations, home reading, incentives, field trips and more.
I think that's probably enough information for now! If you have any questions or would just like to introduce yourself, please email me at
kristy.nelson@lethsd.ab.ca or phone me at the school at 403-327-3653.