Monday, September 14, 2015

Week of Sept 14-18

Welcome to the first Monday of the 2015-2016 year (and first full week)!  Even though the weather is grey, I'm so happy that students came to school being proactive and choosing their colour despite the weather.  


  • Wow! Thanks parents for some amazing Friday Letter responses!  Your support from home with their writing skills is so important for success.  Awesome job!
  • We now have a "Toonies for Terry" container in our classroom if students would like to donate to cancer research (it doesn't have to be a toonie!).
  • Feel free to start sending in white t-shirts for the colour run.  It would be helpful if you could put students' names on them.
  • If you forgot to send in a palm-sized rock, it's not too late!  We changed our plans last week and haven't written on them yet.  Please send them in ASAP.


  • Math: We are continuing with whole numbers and will start graphing.  How to help at home: show your child graphs in the real world and talk about them!  There are probably some graphs out there related to the upcoming election.  This would be a great way to not only promote numeracy but to spark interest in the leadership of our country.
  • L.A:
    • Spelling - We will finish up the preliminary spelling assessment this week and should be able to start with our formal program next week.
    • Writing - The life maps are going ahead!
  • Science: We will be learning about sources and reflectors of light including what objects make good reflectors and how to manipulate a beam of light using its reflection.  How to help at home: point out objects and ask if they are sources or reflectors of light.
  • Social: We are learning about point of view and perspective and will begin to talk about how our province looked like before there were any people in it.  How to help at home: discuss your culture/belief's creation story.

This Week's Schedule:

  • Friday Letters due
  • Library books due


  • Lethbridge Transit bus presentation and evacuation practice 9:30 a.m.


  • First Grade Level Assembly of the year with Ms. Scheldrup


  • Hot lunch money due
  • Our first workout class in PE - students may want to be dressed to move and should really have a water bottle.


  • Frolicking Friday - dress for the weather


  • Pig and Pumpkin Festival at Broxburn Vegetables and Cafe

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