- Please book a parent/teacher interview for either Thursday or Friday. Thursday the first interview is at 8:30 a.m. and the last is at 7:15 p.m. On Friday, interviews begin at 8:30 a.m. and the last is at 11:30 a.m. Please see the link to the right or call the school office to book your 15 minute appointment.
- Everyone is welcome to come to our Remembrance Day assembly tomorrow at 10:30. The grade 4's and 5's are singing!
- Suspense stories are now overdue. Students were supposed to take home the planning sheet we did in class and come back with a suspense story. Unfortunately, not too many came back!
- The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Galbraith!! Please stop by the library when you come for interviews. We will be going as a class on Monday so if you'd like to send your child with money that day you are welcome to.
- Math: We are continuing with subtraction learning about 4-digit subtraction today. Our Mad Minutes will be subtraction for the next few weeks. Practice at home would be very beneficial!
- L.A:
- Spelling: Because last week and this week are short weeks, we will hold off on the assessment for Lesson 4 until next week.
- Writing: We have been doing lots of journaling to create peace poems toward the end of the month.
- Science: Tomorrow we will begin our new unit, "Wheels and Levers."
- Social: We have just begun our journey into the Foothills Region. This week we'll look at landforms, bodies of water and climate.
This Week's Schedule:
- Library books due
- Friday Letters due
- Remembrance Day assembly 10:30 a.m.
- Remembrance Day - no school
- Visit the City of Lethbridge's page for events happening around town
- Interviews 8:30-11:30; 12:30-4:30; 5:30-7:15
- No school for students
- Book Fair in the library
- Interviews 8:30-11:30
- No school for students
- Book Fair in the library
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