Monday, June 27, 2016

Week of June 27-29

I am not sure where this year has gone, but it almost done!!  I have truly enjoyed teaching all of my kids for the year and watching them grow.  I call them my kids as you trust me with such precious cargo for 10 months.  I was looking at pictures over the weekend and I was amazed at how much they have changed since they walked through these doors.  Soon, they will be in Grade 5 and before we all know it, graduating from high school.  (Well, not that quickly, but truly time will fly by!)

I wish you all a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing your child in September!

Thank you for everything you have done this year, without you, I couldn't have been so successful!

This Week's Schedule:
  • Afternoon at the park - Adam's Ice Arena playground (DQ treats have been delayed as their freezer broke down!)

  • Outdoor swimming at Westminster Pool - please make sure your child has a swimsuit, towel, sunscreen, hat and a snack (the concession will not be available).  The forecast for the day is 29°C. 

  • Grade 5 Farewell Assembly 8:45 a.m.
  • Report cards come home
  • Early dismissal at 11:45 a.m.

  • Last day for staff - done at 3:26 p.m.

  • Happy Canada Day! 

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