- Welcome Back BBQ and Meet the Teacher is happening already! I really hope you can all come because I love putting parents together with students and meeting their families. Plus, we have lots to show and share!
- THANK YOU to parents who wrote back to their kids in their Friday Letters! A new one will be coming home Friday, this time written by your child and not as a class.
- Don't forget to follow our class on Twitter! @nelsonclassgr4
- Don't forget to sign up for REMIND. This is a great communication tool. If you are looking for the number and directions, please email me.
- Math: We are looking at whole numbers up to 10 000. How you can help at home: talk about numbers! Where do you see them? How do you use them in everyday life?
- L.A:
- Spelling: We are doing the Schonell assessment to determine what levels of spelling everyone is at so I can best help them this year.
- Writing: September's project for writing is a Life Map. How you can help at home: Talk about your child's favourite memories, look at old photos.
- Science: To gear up for science we are learning about the scientific method and how to be good scientists.
- Social: The social curriculum for Grade Four is "Our Alberta" and we are getting acquainted with our province this week.
This Week's Schedule:
- Friday letters are due back with a letter written back from you to your child.
- Tone it Up Tuesday, please bring a water bottle and dress to workout.
- 5:00-6:00 p.m. - Welcome Back BBQ
- 6:00-7:00 p.m. - Meet the Teacher
- Palm-sized rock due for health
- Frolicking Friday - dress to walk and run outside!
- Watch for a new Friday Letter
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