- Welcome to Miss Oberg who joins us from the University of Lethbridge! She will be doing a 5 week student teaching practicum with us.
- The Sock It to 'Em Campaign is ongoing if you'd like to donate new socks for people in need.
- After the report cards come home on Friday, the online booking system for parent/teacher interviews will open (see link to the left). I'd really like to see all parents as the home-school connection is so important.
- Math: We will finish up our unit on adding and subtracting, but these are still very important skills to practice so please keep practicing at home. We will begin another patterns unit this week.
- L.A.
- Spelling: Lesson 5 begins this week.
- Writing: We continue our work on the peace poems.
- Science: This week we will go over our test from last week and it will go home to be signed and returned. Tomorrow we'll start the next unit, Wheels and Levers.
- Social: Our suitcases are ready and we're off to the Foothills!
This Week's Schedule:
- Hansel and Gretel opera
- Tone It Up Tuesday
- Underground to Canada presentation by Lakeview School
- Library books due
- Report cards come home - please sign and return envelope
- Frolicking Friday
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