Monday, December 14, 2015

Week of Dec. 14 - 18

Can you believe this is the last week of school for 2015?!  I know I can't.  It's going to be a busy week full of concert preparation, learning, and maybe a little fun thrown in for good measure.

  • If you are unable to attend your child's winter concert in the evening, you are welcome to come to their dress rehearsal the morning of the same day (A-K last names on Wednesday, L-Z on Thursday).  See below for times.
  • Reminder that choir students attend both nights of the concert - parents please attend only one night to save room for other parents.
  • This is the last week for our classroom change drive.  I am asking that money for the change drive be here by Thursday so I can purchase a toy that evening and show it to the kids on Friday.  I will match the kids' donations up to $20.
  • We will not be having a class party this week as we have been doing special little things every day throughout the month of December.  Ask your child about some of the things that have come out of our Christmas socks!

  • Math: We are going to finish the time unit with a quiz tomorrow and we have been simultaneously working on symmetry.
  • L.A:
    • Writing: Our poetry unit wraps up this week.
    • Spelling: Continue working on Lesson 6 - no assessment this week as this is a review.
  • Science: We will finish off pulleys this week and leave the unit there until after the break.
  • Social: We have almost finished the Parkland Region and will start a new journey in the new year.

This Week's Schedule:
  • Friday Letters due
  • Library books due
  • Energy Day Assembly 12:30

  • Holiday Lunch

  • Dress rehearsal for Wednesday's group 10:15-11:45 a.m.
  • Concert for A-K last names at Park Meadows Baptist Church - students arrive in their holiday best at 5:30 p.m. for a 6:00 show time
  • Homework journals due

  • Dress rehearsal for Thursday's group 10:15-11:45 a.m.
  • Concert for L-Z last names at Park Meadows Baptist Church - students arrive in their holiday best at 5:30 p.m. for a 6:00 show time

  • Last day of school for 2015 - see you on January 4th, 2016!!
  • Caroling in the gym at 8:45-9:15 a.m.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Week of Dec. 7-11

Only two more weeks until the Christmas break.  We have a lot of learning going on and things to accomplish. 

  • Feed the Bug was really successful this year!  Overall, the grand total was $35000 from the Leth. School District and the Separate School District.  Our school raised $1320 in food!  Awesome job students and parents!
  • Sock-it-to-Em is still happening until Dec. 10.
  • We started a Change Drive last week with proceeds going to The Angel Tree.  I will match dollar for dollar that the students bring in up to a maximum of $20.

  • LA - new spelling words
    • Writing - poetry
  • Math - time.  You can help at home by using analog clocks and discussing how long activities take to do and 24 hour time.
  • Science - we will be learning about PULLEYS.
  • Social - continuing on the Parkland region.  We will be learning about Animal Life, Vegetation and Natural Resources.

Week at a Glance:
  • library books due


  • After school choir - 3:30-4:30 p.m.

  • Frolicking Friday (dress for the weather)
  • PJ day
  • No enrichment

Monday, November 30, 2015

Nov. 30 - Dec. 4

I am so excited!!  It's my favorite month! 

  • The Sock It To 'Em Campaign is still running if you'd like to donate socks.
  • The hot lunch form for December is due on Friday, Dec. 4.
  •  Homework books went home today. 

  • Curriculum:
  • Math: We will be exploring time and telling time.  You can help by using an analog clock.
  • L.A.
    • Spelling: Lesson 5 spelling dictation will be on Thursday.
    • Writing: All month we will be working on our poetry unit.
  • Science: We are learning all about wheels and axles.
  • Social: We are travelling to the Parkland Region of Alberta!

  • Week at a Glance:
    • Library books due
    • Friday letters returned

    • Afterschool skate 3:45-4:45 Adams (with a parent)

    • Choir afterschool

    • Hot lunch form due
    • Last day of enrichment
    • Dress for the weather - Frolicking Friday!

    Monday, November 23, 2015

    Week of Nov. 23-27

    I for one am glad the wind has died down!  It makes for a much pleasanter recess time!  Yet on the other hand, I have heard that we will be getting snow this week, so please be prepared for anything!

    • The Sock It To 'Em Campaign is still running if you'd like to donate socks.
    • The hot lunch form for December went home today.  It's the annual holiday dinner and is free as it is provided by our School Council.  You just need to return the form giving us permission to feed your kids!

    • Math: We will finish up our current patterns booklet this week.
    • L.A.
      • Spelling: Lesson 5 starts this week, look for the words coming home today.
      • Writing: We have started our next big project which is mainly a poetry unit.
    • Science:
    • Social: We will finish traveling around the Foothills Region this week and will have a quiz on Friday.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Friday Letters due
    • Library books due

    • Energy Day Assembly 8:45 a.m.
    • Mustache Day
    • Hot lunch
    • Family Fun Night in the gym 6:30-8:00 p.m.

    • After school skating at Adams 3:45-4:45 p.m.

    • Choir practice for choir students 3:30 p.m.

    • Frolicking Friday
    • Enrichment

    Monday, November 16, 2015

    Week of Nov. 16 - 20

    Good news - it's a full week!  In fact it's nothing but full weeks from now until Christmas holidays.  Thank you so much to parents who came in for interviews.  It's so great to meet with you and to know that we're on the same page.  We all want success for these kids that you entrust to my care every day.  Thank you for your support.

    • Please return the (signed) report card envelope ASAP if you have not already.  We will reuse them in March and again in June.  Make sure to keep your copy of the report card.
    • Fundraiser pickup will be Tuesday or Wednesday - wait for a Synervoice.
    • The Sock It To 'Em campaign is still running if you'd like to donate new socks.

    • Math: We are moving on to a new patterns unit but need to keep adding and subtracting 3- and 4-digit numbers in mind.  Students are struggling with this concept, particularly when you have to borrow in subtracting.  It's even harder knowing what to do when you borrow from a zero.  How you can help at home: make up some adding and subtracting questions and have your child solve them; drill basic facts; play adding and subtracting games.
    • L.A.
      • Spelling: We will finish up lesson 4 and will do the assessment on Thursday.
      • Writing: This week we will highlight descriptive words and phrases from our journal entries on peace and will start to put together our poems.  The goal is to finish them by Wednesday and type them up during our computer time.
    • Science: We will learn about force and effort for our new science unit, Wheels and Levers.
    • Social: Do you have any idea how satisfying it was to hear at interviews how many kids are loving social?  So awesome!!  Our journey takes us to the ground of the Foothills Region as we study the vegetation, and up to the sky to study climate.  We'll hopefully take a peek at some animals and discover the natural resources found in the area.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Library books due (this is a freebie - we didn't get to library last week due to the Remembrance Day assembly)
    • Mr. Oakes, our PS1 student from the University started today.  He will be with us until Dec. 16.

    • After school skate 3:45 at the Adam's Ice Centre (all skaters must wear a helmet and all students must be accompanied by an adult)

    • Tone It Up Thursday
    • Rock Your Moccs Day - students are invited to bring moccasins for their indoor shoes if they have them (if not, students made paper moccasins they can wear around their necks)

    • Enrichment
    • Frolicking Friday

    Monday, November 9, 2015

    Week of Nov. 9 - 13

    This is a very special week coming up.  I like to take this time to think about my freedom and for the great sacrifice that many have taken.  Tomorrow I will be sharing a story of mine about my Grandpa Reuben Seaman

    • Please book a parent/teacher interview for either Thursday or Friday.  Thursday the first interview is at 8:30 a.m. and the last is at 7:15 p.m.  On Friday, interviews begin at 8:30 a.m. and the last is at 11:30 a.m.  Please see the link to the right or call the school office to book your 15 minute appointment.
    • Everyone is welcome to come to our Remembrance Day assembly tomorrow at 10:30.  The grade 4's and 5's are singing!
    • Suspense stories are now overdue.  Students were supposed to take home the planning sheet we did in class and come back with a suspense story.  Unfortunately, not too many came back!
    • The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Galbraith!!   Please stop by the library when you come for interviews.  We will be going as a class on Monday so if you'd like to send your child with money that day you are welcome to.

    • Math: We are continuing with subtraction learning about 4-digit subtraction today.  Our Mad Minutes will be subtraction for the next few weeks.  Practice at home would be very beneficial!
    • L.A:
      • Spelling: Because last week and this week are short weeks, we will hold off on the assessment for Lesson 4 until next week.
      • Writing: We have been doing lots of journaling to create peace poems toward the end of the month.
    • Science: Tomorrow we will begin our new unit, "Wheels and Levers."
    • Social: We have just begun our journey into the Foothills Region.  This week we'll look at landforms, bodies of water and climate.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Library books due
    • Friday Letters due

    • Remembrance Day assembly 10:30 a.m.


    • Interviews 8:30-11:30; 12:30-4:30; 5:30-7:15
    • No school for students
    • Book Fair in the library

    • Interviews 8:30-11:30
    • No school for students
    • Book Fair in the library

    Tuesday, November 3, 2015

    Week of Nov. 3 - Nov. 6

    Welcome back to another short week!  I hope you all had a fantastic Halloween weekend and enjoyed the extra hour of sleep.  I know I did only I don't enjoy the early darkness afterschool.

    • Hot lunch is due on Friday.
    • Thank you for supporting the fundraiser.  As I hear more information, I will pass it on.
    • A big thank you to our parent volunteer for Scientists in School!
    • Another big thank you to the parents who sent food for our Halloween party on Friday.  The Human Resource department did a fantastic job on the organizing of the morning!
    • Please remember with the nice weather coming (soon!), we have the two shoe rule in effect.  If you need help with having a pair of shoes at the school and one at home, please let me know. 
    LA: Spelling: New word sorts this week.   This round will last until Nov. 19 due to two short weeks in a row.
          Writing: We will be starting a new unit on Peace.  The students will create a Peace Poem.  I love this project!
          Math: We will be working on subtracting 3 and 4 digit numbers.
          Science: Wrapping up our Lights & Shadows unit.
          Social: Our newest suitcase adventure will take us to the Foothills region. 

    This week at a Glance:
    • No school
    • Library books due (My students are awesome at remembering their library books!)
    • Suspense stories due (thank you to those who handed them in today!)
    • The students brought home their Rocky Mountains Region suitcase.  I hope you enjoyed them!
    • Hot lunch due
    • Enrichment Friday
    • Frolicking Friday - please dress for the weather!
    • Report cards go home

    Just a quick reminder, next week there is only school for students on Monday and Tuesday  We are off on Wednesday for Remembrance Day.  Thursday Nov. 12 and Friday Nov. 13 are scheduled as Professional Learning days and booked in for Parent Teacher Interviews.  I look forward to meeting with you. 

    Monday, October 26, 2015

    Oct 26-Oct 30

    Well it's a full moon and Halloween this week, so I wish all of us good luck! 

    • A letter about our Halloween party is coming home today.  Our Human Resources team helped plan it!
    • On Thursday, a study guide for our science test came home.  We will be having the test next week.  Please go over it with your child.  Here is a link to a copy of the page with the answers.
    • Homework books are now due.  Please send them in ASAP if you haven't already.

    • Math: We are leaving patterns for now and will be adding 3- and 4-digit numbers.
    • L.A.
      • Writing: This week will be our planning week for our suspense stories, and hopefully writing them.  Stories will most likely come home this weekend for completion.
      • Spelling: Lesson 3 assessment this Thursday.
    • Science: We will be reviewing for our test and will welcome Scientist Anne from Scientists in School on Thursday morning. 
    • Social: Our travels will take us into the National Parks this week followed by an assessment of the Rocky Mountain Region.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Homework journals due
    • Library books due

    • Hot lunch
    • Energy Day Assembly 12:30

    • Fundraising due

    • Picture retakes
    • Choir after school for applicable students

    • Halloween parade and party
    • No frolicking or Friday Letters

    Friday, October 16, 2015

    Week of Oct. 19-23

    Welcome to another short week.  As staff, we will be engaged in professional learning Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.

    • Monday is election day!  Your vote counts.
    • Feed the Bug food collection is on until Oct. 30 - any non-perishable food item is appreciated.  Thank you for your donations to our local food bank.
    • The school fundraiser was sent home last week.  All money and orders are due Oct. 28.
    • A note went home about volunteers for the Scientist in School program that is coming to our classroom.  If you would like to volunteer, please mark the morning of Oct. 29 in your calendar and send in your green form.

    • Math: We will be finishing the first patterns unit and will complete some assessments this week.  One will be a cumulative test on our learning so far and the other will be a basic facts test.
    • L.A:
      • Spelling: New spelling this week!  Look for Lesson 3.
      • Writing: Work continues on the suspense unit, getting closer and closer to writing our own suspense stories!
    • Science: This week things will get big when we learn about magnifying glasses and funky when we look at optical illusions.
    • Social: The Rocky Mountain Region has unique vegetation that we will be studying this week along with the natural resources and animal life of the region.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Friday Letters due
    • Library books due
    • Go vote!

    • Picture money due (retakes will be Oct. 29)

    • Tone It Up
    • No school for students in the afternoon - 11:45 a.m. dismissal

    • No school for students

    Wednesday, October 14, 2015

    I hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing long weekend.  My weekend was full of the 3 F's - Family, Food and Fun!

    • Did you know that this week is Fire Prevention Week?  Check your smoke alarms!

    • Math - We continue our work on patterns including repeating and growing patterns, and looking at the attributes of patterns (e.g. shape, size and colour).
    • L.A. -
      • Writing - Our suspense unit is in full swing.  This week will see us brainstorming the effects on the body so they can "show" not "tell" what's going on in their stories.
      • Spelling - Week 2 of Lesson 2.
    • Science - This week's lessons are to do with breaking up light and mixing colours of light.
    • Social - Our journey through the Rocky Mountain Region has taken us to new heights (ha!) and this week we'll travel back in time to the Ice Ages and learn about glaciers and the bodies of water in the region.  Then we'll return to 2015 and discover what the climate of the Rockies is like.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Happy Thanksgiving!!

    • Friday Letters were due
    • Library books were due

    • Tone It Up Thursday

    • Frolicking Friday

    Tuesday, October 6, 2015

    Week of Oct 5 - 9

    What a great week last week was!  With the Energy Day Assembly, Terry Fox colour run, and the start of Enrichment it was certainly a full one and the kids' Friday Letters really reflected that!

    • Watch for Homework Journals coming home!  This is a scribbler with a calendar of activities for every weekday.  It will go home at the beginning of the month with three weeks' worth of activities and will be due back at school on the date indicated on the calendar.  Don't panic - they're meant to be simple yet effective and fun.
    • Please help your child remember to have any homework items returned to class every day as students get behind when their work is not at school.  I like students to be responsible for their own work, so you may receive a phone call from them if they have forgotten an item.

    • Math - We will continue with patterns this week looking at extending them, naming them and describing them.
    • L.A.
      • Spelling - New words this week - check out Lesson 2!  Lesson 1 activities are now due and you may see the booklet coming home for catch-up work.
      • Writing - We'll start a suspense unit this week that will take all of October.
    • Science - We will study shadows this week.
    • Social - This week we start learning about the beautiful Rocky Mountain Region.

    Do you wish you would hear more than a quick "good" when you ask your child "How was school today?"  Children actually love to talk about their day and what they are doing, but sometimes it takes a little bit of prompting.  Here are some more fun, open-ended questions that typically encourage children to share the most about their day.  I will continue to share 4 or 5 every week.
    1. Which assignment/activity did you feel most confident about today?
    2. How is it going with your school activities and assignments?
    3. What's the most interesting thing you heard at school today?
    4. If you could change just ONE thing about school, what would it be?
    5. What made you laugh/worry/smile in school today?

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Professional Learning Day - no school for students

    • Library Day
    • Friday Letters due

    • Tone It Up Thursday

    • Frolicking Friday

    **Reminder: No school on Monday next week for Thanksgiving

    Monday, September 28, 2015

    Week of Sept 28 - Oct 2

    Busy exciting week coming up with Picture Day, Energy Day Assembly, Hot Lunch, Terry Fox Colour Run and (possibly) the start of Enrichment!  Don't forget to follow us on Twitter!

    • Math - We will be finishing graphing this week and beginning our first of many patterns units.  How to help at home: look for patterns around you (e.g. clothing, kitchen tiles, numbers, etc.)
    • L.A.
      • Spelling - Continuing Lesson 1.  There will be a spelling dictation assessment on Thursday.  How to help at home: have your child sort their words and explain the rule.  Challenge them to spell some of the words.
      • Writing - Finishing up life maps this week.  We will start a suspense writing unit later in the week.
    • Science - We are continuing to talk about how light travels (i.e. reflection and refraction).
    • Social - We are completing the introduction to Alberta and eagerly awaiting our trip to the first region of Alberta: the Rocky Mountain Region.
    Do you wish you would hear more than a quick "good" when you ask your child "How was school today?"  Children actually love to talk about their day and what they are doing, but sometimes it takes a little bit of prompting.  Here are some fun open-ended questions that typically encourage children to share the most about their day.  I will continue to share 4 or 5 every week.
    1. What was your favourite part about school today?
    2. What activity did you like the most today?  And the least?
    3. What did you think of the first assignment you had to do today?
    4. If you could do any moment at school over today, what would it look like?
    5. What was the funniest thing that happened in your class today?

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Library books due
    • Friday letters due
    • White t-shirts due (preferably)

    • Picture Day - wear your smile!
    • Hot lunch day

    • Energy Day Assembly 12:30
    • Terry Fox Assembly and Colour Run 2:00

    • Tentative start of Enrichment
    • Frolicking Friday

    Tuesday, September 22, 2015

    Sept 21 - 28

    I'm so excited to be into the routines of learning and school and that your child is settling in nicely.

    • White t-shirts for the colour run can come in any time - the colour run is Sept. 30.
    • With the wet weather, our "two shoe rule" is in full effect.  Please make sure your child has a pair of runners to leave at school.

    • Math - This week we are continuing learning about bar graphs and pictographs.  
    • L.A.
      • Spelling - The first week of spelling starts this week!  You will see a set of words come home.  How to help: have your child cut out the words and show you how to sort them.
      • Writing - This will be the last week to finish up our Life Maps.  Your child may be coming home and asking to look through photo albums, or asking you about events from their past (happy or sad/high or low).
    • Science - We will be learning about how light can bend (be refracted).
    • Social - This week we will be turning into paleontologists!  Ask your child about the very beginning of Alberta's history.  

    Week at a glance:

    • library books due in
    • Friday letters returned.  Please remember to write a letter back to your child.  
    • Library day
    • Tone It Up Thursday - wear clothes that are good for working out in

    • Frolicking Friday

    Monday, September 14, 2015

    Week of Sept 14-18

    Welcome to the first Monday of the 2015-2016 year (and first full week)!  Even though the weather is grey, I'm so happy that students came to school being proactive and choosing their colour despite the weather.  


    • Wow! Thanks parents for some amazing Friday Letter responses!  Your support from home with their writing skills is so important for success.  Awesome job!
    • We now have a "Toonies for Terry" container in our classroom if students would like to donate to cancer research (it doesn't have to be a toonie!).
    • Feel free to start sending in white t-shirts for the colour run.  It would be helpful if you could put students' names on them.
    • If you forgot to send in a palm-sized rock, it's not too late!  We changed our plans last week and haven't written on them yet.  Please send them in ASAP.


    • Math: We are continuing with whole numbers and will start graphing.  How to help at home: show your child graphs in the real world and talk about them!  There are probably some graphs out there related to the upcoming election.  This would be a great way to not only promote numeracy but to spark interest in the leadership of our country.
    • L.A:
      • Spelling - We will finish up the preliminary spelling assessment this week and should be able to start with our formal program next week.
      • Writing - The life maps are going ahead!
    • Science: We will be learning about sources and reflectors of light including what objects make good reflectors and how to manipulate a beam of light using its reflection.  How to help at home: point out objects and ask if they are sources or reflectors of light.
    • Social: We are learning about point of view and perspective and will begin to talk about how our province looked like before there were any people in it.  How to help at home: discuss your culture/belief's creation story.

    This Week's Schedule:

    • Friday Letters due
    • Library books due


    • Lethbridge Transit bus presentation and evacuation practice 9:30 a.m.


    • First Grade Level Assembly of the year with Ms. Scheldrup


    • Hot lunch money due
    • Our first workout class in PE - students may want to be dressed to move and should really have a water bottle.


    • Frolicking Friday - dress for the weather


    • Pig and Pumpkin Festival at Broxburn Vegetables and Cafe

    Wednesday, September 9, 2015

    Week of Sept 8-11

    This week is a short week but it's a busy one!  I have to say that I'm really enjoying getting to know your kids.  What a nice bunch of young people!  For the blog this week I am posting in the format that you can come to expect.  I will list any notes or reminders; the curriculum we're working on (usually just the four core subjects); and finally a schedule for the week.


    • Welcome Back BBQ and Meet the Teacher is happening already!  I really hope you can all come because I love putting parents together with students and meeting their families.  Plus, we have lots to show and share!
    • Hot lunch went home yesterday and is due Sept. 17.
    • Picture forms went home yesterday as well and picture day will be Sept. 29.
    • We're gearing up for our Terry Fox Colour Run!  It's been a couple of years since we had a colour run and I'm so excited because they are the most fun!  Students are invited to bring a white t-shirt that can have powdered paint thrown at it.  The run will take place Sept. 30.  If students are able to, we will also be collecting toonies for Terry.  The school goal is $500.
    • THANK YOU to parents who wrote back to their kids in their Friday Letters!  A new one will be coming home Friday, this time written by your child and not as a class.
    • Don't forget to follow our class on Twitter!  @nelsonclassgr4


    • Math: We are looking at whole numbers up to 10 000.  How you can help at home: talk about numbers!  Where do you see them?  How do you use them in everyday life?
    • L.A:
      • Spelling: We are doing the Schonell assessment to determine what levels of spelling everyone is at so I can best help them this year.
      • Writing: September's project for writing is a Life Map.  How you can help at home: Talk about your child's favourite memories, look at old photos.
    • Science: To gear up for science we are learning about the scientific method and how to be good scientists.
    • Social: The social curriculum for Grade Four is "Our Alberta" and we are getting acquainted with our province this week.

    This Week's Schedule:

    • Labour Day - I hope you had a nice long weekend!


    • Library books came home and are due Monday
    • Friday Letters due


    • 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Welcome Back BBQ
    • 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Meet the Teacher


    • A regular day!


    • Frolicking Friday - dress to walk and run outside!
    • Watch for a new Friday Letter
    • Palm-sized rock due

    Tuesday, September 1, 2015

    Sept 2 - 5, 2015 - WElCOME!

    Welcome to Grade Four!!  I am so excited to start a new year and to get to know everyone.  I have lots of reasons to be excited about this year.  First of all, I joined Twitter!  Please follow me @nelsonclassgr4 for daily tweets about the goings-on of our class.  The students will help me post the day-to-day things that normally parents wouldn't get a chance to see.  Secondly, I had some new ideas over the summer that I'm looking forward to putting into action.  For example, check out our "What stuck with you today?" board that I'll post a picture of on Twitter.  Thirdly, our already amazing Grade 4 team has grown!  Miss Romanchuk has already shown Mrs. Samayoa and I that she's going to be a dynamite member of our team, and Ms. Rahim rejoins us as our resident Grade 4/5 teacher.  It's going to be a great year and I can't wait to get going!

    A few things to get us started:
    • Thank you for checking out this blog!  This is my main source of communication between school and home.  Please check every Monday for the latest update.  It will include curriculum information and events for the week.  If it helps, you can get email reminders by clicking the link and signing up to be notified when there is a new post. If there is an extra post in a week, there will be a note about it in the agenda.  Please take a minute to explore the blog to find out the tools and resources I have available. 
    • Speaking of the agenda, this is another very important tool.  Your child will write to you every day with reminders and notes.  Please read and sign the agenda every single day and encourage your child to be responsible for having it at school every morning.  
    • Your child has homework!  Sorry, I know that's just cruel handing out homework on the very first day, but this is cool!  Every student gets to have a leadership role in our classroom by being part of a team.  The homework is to read the information about the teams and fill out the application form.  These forms are due on Friday so that we can get going right away with our routines.
    • Another little "assignment" we have for the kids is to please bring an empty toilet paper role to school for an activity preferably by tomorrow.
    • We have a Welcome Back assembly on Friday at 10:15.  Parents are always very welcome to join us for these occasions.  
    • Another date to put into your calendars right away is Sept. 9 - our Welcome Back BBQ and Meet the Teacher Night.  I can't wait to give you some more information about Grade 4 including homework expectations, home reading, incentives, field trips and more.  

    I think that's probably enough information for now!  If you have any questions or would just like to introduce yourself, please email me at or phone me at the school at 403-327-3653. 

    Tuesday, June 16, 2015

    June 15-19

    It started off as a sad week with the news we shared on Monday.  We want you to remember to talk with your child and if you think your child may need to talk to someone, we have counselling services at school all week. 

    As we find out time of a service for Patrick, that information will be passed on. 

    Week at a glance:
    • Hot lunch
    • Travelling Lab Coats
    • Frolicking Friday
    Please remind your child to hand in any overdues books this week!

    Next week:
    • Desk clean out - please send an extra bag or two
    • Energy day assembly - 8:40 a.m.
    • Class year end party
    • Swimming at Westminster in the afternoon

    • Farewell assembly 8:40 a.m.
    • Report cards go home
    • Dismissal is 11:45 a.m.
    Have a great summer!

    Monday, June 8, 2015

    Week of June 8-12

    It's going to be a hot one!  Parents, please make sure your child has a water bottle at school.  I allow students to keep one in class (water only), and in this hot weather it's more important than ever to stay hydrated.  I would hate for one of the kids to become dehydrated.

    Note: You will start to notice items coming home to stay.  I would rather clean out slowly than have the kids take home a 50 pound backpack on the last day of school.  That being said, we are still learning and following routines, so please make sure your child is well rested and ready for school (I know it's hard at this time of year!!).
    • Math: We will return once again to multiplication and division this week mostly through games.
    • Language Arts:
      • Writing: We will continue our Lego writing unit.
      • Spelling: We are finished with our spelling for the year!  As soon as the booklets are all marked they will be sent home.
    • Science: We are going to begin our final unit: Building Vehicles and Devices that Move.  This unit will mostly be taught through the Travelling Lab Coats program, and a mechanical engineer will be coming to visit us.
    • Social: This week we are going to review the early school days and what it was like "back in the day" and we will also be learning about homesteads.
    • PE: With the weather being lovely, we will be going outside a fair bit.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Friday Letters due

    • Cemetery Tour - we leave the school at 9:00 (see note that went home a couple of weeks ago)
    • Tone It Up Tuesday
    • School Council 6:30 p.m.

    • Sports Day - students should come ready to play outside all morning with running shoes;  volunteers welcome

    Monday, May 25, 2015

    May 25-29

    It's hard to believe we are just about at the end of May.  The sun is shining, the birds are singing and we have a lot of learning still to do in the classroom! 

    • Remember to sign the Fort permission form and return it to school.  Thank you to the volunteers!  It will be a great day!
    • Spring pictures are due back on May 28 if you wish to order them.
    • Math - finishing up on patterns
    • LA - Spelling - week 14; another musical writing activity will take place this week
    • Science - learning about what is inside of a seed
    • Social - finishing up our findings about the CPR and learning the reasons why people moved to Alberta
    This week at a glance:
    • Friday letters returned
    • Library books due back
    • Hot lunch!
    • Assembly 12:40
    • Library Day!
    • field trip to the Yates to see Gregg LeRock - a French musician

    • Northside POW WOW (we are the host) 9:30-10:30
    • last day of enrichment

    Tuesday, May 19, 2015

    May 19-22

    I hope you all had a great long weekend.  Once the sun decided to shine, the time spent outside was fantastic! 

    Thank you to the parents that volunteered to come to Helen Schuler Nature Center today.  I enjoyed having you and I hope you enjoyed being there.  Be sure to ask your child about wild licorice that grows in our river bottom. 

    There will be two more opportunities for volunteers on field trips.  On June 3, we will be going to the Fort in Fort Macleod.  This is an all day trip.  On June 9, in the morning,  we will be visiting the cemetery for an information finding trip.  Please watch for more information to come home on Wednesday. 

    Lastly, Spring Pictures came home today.  If you are wanting to order them, they can be done online or through the school prior to May 28. 

    150 Ways to Show Kids You Care:
    • Let's continue the list:
      • 26. Stay with them when they are afraid.  27. Invite them over for juice.  28. Suggest better behaviors when they act out.  29. Feed them when they are hungry.  30. Delight in their discoveries.  31. Share their excitement.  32. Send them a letter or a postcard.  33. Follow them when they lead  34. Notice when they are absent.  35. Call them to say hello.  36. Hide surprises for them to find.  37. Give them space when they need it.  38. Contribute to their collections.  39. Discuss their dreams and nightmares.  40. Laugh at their jokes.  41. Be relaxed.  42. Kneel, squat or sit so that you are at their eye level.  43. Answer their questions.  44. Tell them how terrific they are.  45. Create a tradition with them and keep it.  46. Learn what they have to teach.  47. Use your ears more than your mouth.  48. Make yourself available.  49. Show up at their concerts, games and events.  50. Find a common interest. 

    • Math: Continuing in our last pattern booklet.  Remember to keep practicing basic facts at home.
    • Language Arts:
      • Writing: with the short week we will be doing Quick Writes and possibly some musical writing.  .
      • Spelling: Lesson 13; spelling assessment on Thursday
    • Science: We will be learning about common characteristics of plants and that plants have needs too!
    • Social: We will learn how Alberta went from a territory to a province and how the railway came through.  This is a continuation of last week as our Treaty took longer than planned.  I hope your child is holding true on their half of the contract.  I know my son's contract was completed by both parties tonight.  
    This Week's Schedule:Tuesday:
    • Library books due
    • Ask about our field trip
    • Friday letters due back
    • Field trip notices coming home

    • Frolicking Friday
    • Enrichment

    Monday, May 11, 2015

    May 11-15

    Helpful Website:
    • At our Professional Learning Day on Friday, Ms. Scheldrup gave us some new resources to access.  One that I particularly found interesting was Reading Rockets.  Among other things, it's a site that gives ways to help struggling readers.  If you want some new ideas to help your child with reading, check it out!

    150 Ways to Show Kids You Care:
    • Another resource we received on Friday was a brochure highlighting ways to show a child you care about him/her.  Whether in the role of parent or teacher, we all want kids to know they're cared about.  Here are the first few:
      • 1. Notice them; 2. Smile a lot; 3. Acknowledge them; 4. Learn their names; 5. Seek them out; 6. Remember their birthdays; 7. Ask them about themselves; 8. Look in their eyes when you talk to them; 9. Listen to them; 10. Play with them; 11. Read aloud together; 12. Giggle together; 13. Be nice; 14. Say yes a lot; 15. Tell them their feelings are ok; 16. Set boundaries that keep them safe; 17. Be honest; 18. Be yourself; 19. Listen to their stories; 20. Hug them; 21. Forget your worries sometimes and concentrate only on them; 22. Notice when they're acting differently; 23. Present options when they seek your counsel; 24; Play outside together; 25. Surprise them.

    • Math: We are going back into patterns for the last time but please keep practicing basic facts at home.
    • Language Arts:
      • Writing: Finishing up Flat Stanley and focussing on our Quick Writes.
      • Spelling: Lesson 13; Spelling City is up
    • Science: We will be learning about how different parts of plants work.
    • Social: We will learn how Alberta went from a territory to a province and how the railway came through.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Tone It Up Tuesday
    • School Council Meeting 6:30 p.m.

    • Hot Lunch money due

    • Frolicking Friday
    • Enrichment
    • Project Fair

    Monday, May 4, 2015

    May 4 - 8

    May the fourth be with you!!  Happy Star Wars Day!

    • The SAAG display is on until the first week of June.
    • If you haven't yet, please send in a T-shirt for your child to make a very special art project with by tomorrow.  Students who don't have a shirt will not be able to participate in this project.
    • The provincial elections will take place tomorrow.  Please be a voice for your child.  The current budget really harms our students with huge class sizes and very little support.  Clicking this link will take you to a site where you can find your local candidate by typing in your address.  This link takes you to "Stand Up for Schools" where you can learn more details about each party's position on education.

    • Math: We will be having a quiz on multiplication and division on Tuesday and then we go back into another patterns unit.
    • Language Arts:
      • Writing: We are going to finish up any final Flat Stanley stuff this week.
      • Spelling: Assessment of Lesson 12 on Thursday.
    • Science: We will be learning about plant parts and uses.
    • Social: This week it's all about the Northwest Mounted Police.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Friday Letters due
    • Hot lunch forms going home
    • T-shirts due

    • Volunteer Breakfast 8:30 a.m.  If you have volunteered on field trips or helping out the school in any way, please come and let us celebrate you!  (Shhhh.... as part of Education Week you'll get a special treat from the Grade Fours!)
    • Tone It Up Tuesday - Indy 500
    • T-shirt project started
    • Multiplication/division quiz
    • Provincial elections - please vote!!

    • Hats On for Mental Health Day - students are welcome to wear a hat to show their support for mental health awareness
    • Evergreen Theatre presentation (Goldilocks and the Three Polar Bears) at the school 1:30 p.m.  This performance is paid for by the recycling money that the grade 4's earn by sorting bottles and cans every Thursday.  Because of their hard (and disgusting!) work, some of our grade 4 students will be performing with the professionals!  Parents are welcome.

    • Spelling assessment

    • School-based Professional Learning Day - no school for students

    Monday, April 27, 2015

    April 27-May 1

    • Thank you to all students who have brought items for our Leader in Me gift bags so far.  One item we are definitely missing is play dough.  If you have a free evening and would be willing to make a batch, we would be very grateful!  When we put the bags together on Wednesday, we can divvy it up into smaller portions so you don't need to worry about that.  I found a website here that gives different recipes.  It doesn't need to be fancy!!
    • Thanks also to everyone who supported the spring concert.  The students performed beautifully.
    • Please be sure to read the note about the T-shirts that went home last week.  Students who are unable to bring a shirt in will not be able to make this project and since it is for a gift, we really want all students to be able to participate.
    • Our class' nutcrackers are now on display at the SAAG.  I highly recommend paying them a visit to see how much incredible artistic talent we have in this city.
    • The district had a press release regarding the impact of the provincial budget on our district.  Please read it if you haven't already as this will have a big impact on your children.  Class sizes are already big and are only going to get bigger.  This is only one concern, the press release highlights more.  Click here to read, and VOTE on May 5th!

    • Math: We are still working through our division booklet.  If you see it come home for homework, please make sure it is returned the next day.
    • Language Arts:
      • Writing: This week we will finish up our unit on puns.
      • Spelling: Lesson 12 starts this week.  For some groups this is a review of lessons 7-11.  Spelling City is up.
    • Science: Our new unit, Plant Growth and Change, will begin today.
    • Social: We continue learning about the first settlers this week.
    • PE: Last week of gymnastics.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Library day is today!
    • Hot lunch
    • NO assembly
    • Last day of gymnastics

    • Frolicking Friday

    Monday, April 20, 2015

    April 20-24

    This is concert week so that means our schedule will be a little off and we have a field trip on Wednesday!

    • Math: Continuing to work with multiplying 2- and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number and dividing 2-digit by 1-digit.  The homework you may see coming home may not be recognizable as the strategies we were taught when we were young.  That's ok!!  Alberta Education has set out different strategies for students to use.  There isn't really a "right" or "wrong" way to multiply as long as they can consistently get the right answer.  The students have been taught different strategies and are encouraged to use the one that works for them.  If you have another one that is successful for your child, by all means teach it to them!  Also, the Splash Math Springboard Challenge is still going on.  Our weekly target is 2000 points.
    • Language Arts:
      • Writing: The students are enjoying our pun unit.  Share some puns at home and have a good groan fest!
      • Spelling: Continuing with Lesson 11.  Don't forget about Spelling City!
    • Science: Students will be writing a pledge to protect our environment, and the unit test will take place on Tuesday.
    • Social: This week we begin to learn about early settlement in Alberta.
    • P.E: Gymnastics is in full swing so please make sure your child has proper gym clothes or your child may be phoning you!  This should be the students' responsibility, but they may need a reminder or two.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Happy birthday, Mrs. Nelson!! (and yes, I am 115!)
    • Friday Letters due
    • Library books due

    • Waste in our World science test
    • Recycled robots "junk" to be brought in

    • Practice day at Park Meadows Baptist Church
      • Walk over after recess (10:15)
      • 10:30-12:15 - Dress rehearsal for A-L
      • 12:15-12:45 - Lunch
      • 12:45-3:00 - Dress rehearsal for M-Z
    • Spring Concert for last names A-L at Park Meadows Baptist Church 6:30-7:30 p.m.

    • Creating our recycled robots this morning!
    • Spring Concert for last names M-Z at Park Meadows Baptist Church 6:30-7:30 p.m.

    • No school for students - district professional learning day

    • Opening Ceremony for Art's Alive and Well in the Schools at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery.  Our class along with Mrs. Nelson's class has a group project that will be on display.  The ceremony starts at 1:00 p.m.

    Monday, April 13, 2015

    April 13-17

    Welcome back!  I hope everyone had a great break.  Just think, the next big break is summer holidays! 

    • If you haven't returned the permission form for Art's Alive please do so ASAP.  Since it is a group piece and no student names will be given out this is really just a formality but we'd like to cross as many t's and dot as many i's as possible!
    • Splash Math is continuing their Springboard contest.  Our class' target is 2000 points.  We won't be going to the computer lab as we have Theme V at our scheduled time but I would like to set an at home challenge for the students.  Help us reach our target!  1 point for attempting a question and 10 points for a correct answer.  There are bonus points for answer streaks of correct questions (25 for 5 and 50 for 10).

    • Math: Multiplying and dividing bigger numbers continued.
    • Language Arts:
      • Writing: We are starting a really fun unit this week learning about puns and humour in writing.
      • Spelling: Lesson 11 begins this week.
    • Science: Managing waste is more than just throwing things out and the students will learn more about that this week.
    • Social: Finishing the fur trade.
    • Health: Theme V is this week.  The students had their first lesson today and learned a lot.  Parents, you should be proud of them as they were respectful of the subject matter.  They have been strongly encouraged to discuss their new knowledge with you.  The next lesson is on Wednesday.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • First Theme V Lesson
    • Birth Interview coming home as homework

    • Gymnastics begins - please see letter(coming home today) regarding proper dress
    • School Council meeting 6:30 p.m.
    • Library day - books are due in

    • Birth Interview due

    • Frolicking Friday will still occur during gymnastics
    • New round of Enrichment begins

    Monday, March 30, 2015

    March 30-April 3, 2015

    We had a great field trip to the Helen Schuler Nature Center last week and today we look forward to Charolette's Web.  Thank you for sending me your child as I love working and learning with them!

    Math: multiplying 2 & 3 digits by 1 digit.  Practice your math basic facts nightly.
    LA: continuing to write our persuasive essay.  We will work on the body and conclusions and start to type them out.
    Science: learning about biodegradability and hazardous waste symbols
    Social: learning about David Thomson and Rocky Mountain House
    Week at a Glance:
    • Library books due
    • Friday letters signed and returned
    • Charolette's Web production at Chinook
    • Hot lunch day
    • Assembly - 12:30 p.m.
    • College Agriculture Presentation in the afternoon
    • Good Friday - No school.  See you on Monday, April 13.

    Monday, March 23, 2015

    March 23-27

    • Last week's Celebration of Learning was a great success!!  I had the best turnout I've ever had so thank you, thank you, thank you to the parents and students who were able to come and made the night awesome.
    • We still need a couple of parent volunteers to join us on our Helen Schuler field trip on Thursday afternoon.  We leave the school at noon on the bus.  You're welcome to join us on the bus or meet us there.
    • Splash Math is having a contest!  Beat your scores from the previous week or top the leader boards to win prizes.  See for details!

    • Math: This week we will be doing an area investigation and then will start back into multiplication, this time with bigger numbers.  In grade 4, students in Alberta learn to multiply 2-digit numbers and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number.  We will also learn to divide with bigger numbers.
    • Language Arts:
      • Spelling: Lesson 10 begins this week.  Watch for new words coming home to practice with.  Spelling City is up and running and due Apr. 6th.
      • Writing: The students wrote the introductions to their essays last week and this week will learn how to write the body and conclusion.
    • Science: The students started a research project last week that had them learning about worms.  This will continue this week.
    • Social: We will be learning some more about the fur trade.Tomorrow we have Shawnee Price, our FNMI liaison coming to talk to the kids about the First Nations people and will show them a special buffalo kit.  Ask your child to tell you all about it!

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Library books due, library tomorrow.

    • Buffalo Kit presentation
    • Tone It Up Tuesday

    • Guitar club after school for applicable students

    • Helen Schuler field trip in afternoon - dress for ANY weather

    • Frolicking Friday
    • No Enrichment

    Monday, March 9, 2015

    March 9-13

    The leprechaun traps are due in today and they look fantastic!  We will be presenting them all week in preparation of catching that sneaky little leprechaun!

    • Mark your calendars for Celebration of Learning on Tuesday, March 17th 6-8 p.m!

    • Math: We will finish up with fractions this week and move into decimals to the tenths and hundredths place. 
    • Language Arts:
      • Spelling: Lesson 9 is coming home today; Spelling City is due March 23rd.
      • Writing: Students have been working on writing a magazine article about cleaning up.  They will finish those this week and we will begin learning how to write essays.
    • Science: This week will mainly be dedicated to presenting leprechaun traps but we will also take a detour from those to learn about landfills.
    • Social: Ms. Price, our FNMI liaison was going to present to our class about how the buffalo were important to the First Nations people however, she is sick today so we will have to reschedule.  In the meantime, we will continue learning about the first peoples of Alberta.

    Week in Review:
    • Friday letters signed and returned
    • Traps due
    • Library books due back
    • Tone it up Tuesday - bring a water bottle
    • School Council Meeting 6:30pm
    • Guitar Club-Black Dogs-3:30-4:30

    • Report cards go home
    • Galbraith Groove Sock Hop 10:15-11:15

    Monday, March 2, 2015

    March 2 - 6

    • Leprechaun Traps are due ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!
    • Report cards go home next week and the following week is Celebration of Learning (March 17).  Please plan to come as this is a very important chance to see up close and personal how your child is doing in school. 

    • Math - This week it's all about fractions.  You can help at home by discussing how real life objects can be divided into fractions, or equal parts.
    • Language Arts
      • Writing - For the next month, we will be working on writing non-fiction pieces related to our new science unit, Waste in our World.
      • Spelling - The assessment for Lesson 8 words is on Thursday.
      • Guided Reading - We are now finished with reading Flat Stanley.  Be sure to stop by the library during the Celebration of Learning to see the tri-fold projects the students completed.  We are now back into our regular Guided Reading rotation.
      • Science - The unit test for Wheels and Levers is today (a study guide went home last week and was on the blog).  This week will see us going over the test (please sign and return it when it comes home!) and starting the new unit, Waste in our World.
      • Social - With the completion of Book 1 which was the geography portion of social, we are now beginning Book 2 which is the history of Alberta.
      • PE - The snowshoes have arrived so please make sure your child has appropriate outside clothing for PE.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Science test
    • Choir at lunchtime for students who signed up
    • Notes going home about Celebration of Learning on March 17 and clothing orders (due March 20)
    • Library books due

    • Tone It Up Tuesday - Indy 500

    • Guitar Club after school for applicable students

    • Frolicking Friday

    Monday, February 23, 2015

    Feb. 23 - 27

    Welcome back!!  Fasten your seatbelts because it's a long one today!

    Upcoming Field Trips:
    We have our field trips booked from now until the end of the year.  Please mark these dates on your calendars - we will need parent volunteers!  Notes will come home closer to each trip.
    • March 26th - Helen Schuler for "Recycling in Nature" - 12:30 p.m. (bus leaves at 12:05)
    • March 30th - Chinook High School for "Charlotte's Web" - 12:30 p.m. (bus leaves at 12:05)
    • May 19th - Helen Schuler for Plants Program - 9:30 a.m. (bus leaves at 9:10)
    • May 27th - Gregg LeRock French performance at the Yates (bus leaves at 12:00)
    • June 3rd - Fort Macleod for "March of the Redcoats" - 9:15 (bus leaves at 8:40)  *Note: this trip will go into the afternoon
    • June 9th - Cemetery Tour 9:20 a.m. (bus leaves at 9:00)
    • June 24th - Swimming at Westminster - 1:00 p.m. (we walk at 12:45)
    • We are also planning to go swimming at Stan Siwik again - stay tuned!

    We are completely out of pencils and I am hoping that some families would be willing to bring in a package or two.  The best quality ones are the Ticonderoga by Dixon.  Other brands (particularly dollar store pencils) tend to either not sharpen well or break easily; and pencils that have a plastic coating gum up the electric sharpener.  However, we will take whatever we can get with humble thanks!

    • Math: We are taking a brief detour into geometry starring Pigeon of the Mo Willems books before diving into fractions.
    • Language Arts:
      • Guided Reading - The students presented their Flat Stanley tri-fold projects today and we will soon resume regular guided reading routines.
      • Spelling - Lesson 8 is coming home today.
      • Writing - We will be starting a new writing project this week that ties in with our upcoming science unit, Waste in Our World.
    • Science: This week will see the end of the Wheels and Levers unit with review for the test that will happen next week.  Reminder: the leprechaun traps are due March 9th.
    • Social: We are almost done learning about all the regions of Alberta.  We will finish the Grasslands Region with the Calgary Stampede before moving on to a final test.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Welcome back!

    • Energy Day Assembly 8:30 a.m.
    • Hot Lunch
    • Tone It Up Tuesday
    • Family Fun Night in the gym 6:30 p.m.

    • Pink Shirt Day
    • Guitar Club for applicable students

    • Grade 3 Cupcake Sale to support the SPCA.  Cupcakes will be sold for $0.50 each.

    • Final Enrichment of this round
    • Blue and Orange Day - students are encouraged to wear our school colours

    Wednesday, February 18, 2015

    Science Review Sheet

    Here are most all the concepts we have covered and learned about. 

    How can you give friction the slip?

    1. slide
    2. ice rink
    3. curling

    Do rollers make work easier?  Why? Rollers placed under a load reduce contact surface between the load and the floor.  This reduces friction.  Less friction means that less effort is needed to move the same object

    Name 4 ways we use “rollers” everyday.

    1. Conveyor belt
    2. Toilet paper roll
    3. Steam roller
    Rolling pin

    Will a load moved on rollers and a load moved on wheels be able to complete a slalom race in the same amount of time? NO – the wheels will win because they are able to TAKE the load with them; where you need to go with the load on rollers. 

    Machine: a device that helps us to do work.
    Force: a push or a pull action.
    Friction: is a force that slows down motion between two objects that touch.
    There is LESS friction between smooth surfaces than between rough surfaces.
    Work: is the result of a force moving an object.
    Fixed Pulley System: a pulley that is stationary and changes the direction of the force (makes it easier because you get to pull down)
    Load: an object that needs to be “moved”
    Effort: the amount of force used.
    Gears: wheels with teeth that interlock to give off energy
    Fulcrum: the supporting point of a lever, also called a pivot
    Pivot: an object that allows something to “move” slightly
    A third class lever is a lever in which the EFFORT is in between the LOAD and the FULCRUM.
    A first class lever is a lever in which the FULCRUM is in between the LOAD and the EFFORT.
    A second class lever is a lever in which the LOAD is in between the EFFORT and the FULCRUM.
    Two examples of a 1st class lever: seesaw and prybar.
    Two examples of a 2nd class lever: wheelbarrow and nutcracker.
    Two examples of a 3rd class lever: tweezers and stapler.

    In a wheel to wheel drive system, will both wheels turn in the same direction? No, the wheels turn in opposite directions b/c they are touching.

    In a belt drive system, when do the wheels turn in the same direction?  When the belt is around them in a “straight” line.

     In a belt drive system, when do the wheels turn in the opposite direction?  When the belt is crossed in a figure 8.

    In a belt drive system does the size of the driver wheel affect the rate at which the driven wheel is turned?  (“Change the Driver” experiment) Yes, smaller wheels will rotate more times than a big wheel will in one rotation.  Whereas if the small wheel is the driver, the larger wheel will not go around a full rotation compared to one rotation of the smaller wheel.

    How are dominoes like simple machines? They transfer energy from one to another.

    In a gear drive system, do gears of different sizes affect the speed of the driver gears (“Gear Together” experiment) ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Does changing the size and number of gears in a system affect the speed and direction of the gears? _______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Does changing the position of the fulcrum affect the force needed to carry a load? Yes, you need more force to lift a load as the fulcrum gets closer to the effort.

    Does changing the location of the effort on a third class lever affect its performance? Yes, a 3rd class lever is most effective when the effort is close to the load.

    In a 2nd class lever, as the load moves closer to the fulcrum, is more or less effort required to lift the load? As the load gets closer to the fulcrum, there is less effort required.

    Do pulleys make raising an object easier? YES! – b/c I can use my body weight.
    Will the use of a pulley reduce the amount of force required to lift a load?  NO – but it changes the direction (pulling down)
    Will a moving pulley affect the effort required to lift a load?  (Single Movable Pulley experiment) YES! – it reduces the effort in half. –refer to comparison sheet.
    Does a fixed & movable pulley system affect the effort required to life a load? (Single Fixed & Single Movable Pulley experiment) HINT HINT HINT *** be able to draw a labeled picture of this pulley system** S.M. – reduces the effort; S.F. – changes the direction
    Will the placement of the axle in the wheels change the efficiency of the vehicle? Yes.  The best place for the axle is in the middle of the wheel so that the wheel turns evenly.

    Where will the largest movement in a wheel and axle occur – in the axle or in the wheel? WHY? The axle has to work harder b/c it is smaller than the wheel; therefore it rotates more times than the wheel does in one rotation.