- School Cash Online - just a reminder to sign up for this so that your child's hot lunch can be ordered and paid for. If you have any questions or concerns, come in to the office and they will help you out.
LA - working on our LOST item story
- spelling assessment will be this week
MATH - continuing to work on patterns in tables and charts. The goal is to push the students to find the pattern horizontally in a chart versus vertically. This is the start of creating formulas and doing algebra.
SCIENCE - we will be finishing up on wheel and belt drive systems and moving into learning about gears.
SOCIAL - continuing our adventure on the train to the Boreal Forest region.
Week at a Glance:
- Friday letters signed and returned.
- Library books due
- JOB APPLICATION forms are due TODAY!
- afterschool cheer 3:30 - 4:30
- I am away today for a planning day regarding a project I am working. Mrs. Fano will be in for me.
- afterschool choir 3:30 - 4:30
- Tone it up Thursday - please bring a water bottle
- afterschool choir
- Frolicking Friday - please dress for the weather.
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