Monday, January 25, 2016

Week of Jan 25-29

Week of Jan. 25-29, 2016

Please remember that hot lunch is Thursday, not Tuesday as it usually is.
Homework journals are now overdue.  If your child has not handed it in yet, please have them do so ASAP.
I will be away in Red Deer this week for two days learning about the Daily 5 literacy program.  Several of our teachers already use the program and love it so I wanted to check it out as I believe that teachers need to constantly be learning to stay relevant and to keep improving.  This is my last planned absence for awhile!

Math: Multiplication!  You can help your child at home by playing the games we learn at school and by practice of the basic multiplication facts. 
Spelling: Lesson 8 assessment on Thursday.
Writing: Finishing up the "lost item" story.
Science: We are finishing up our unit on "Wheels and Levers" by learning about third class levers.  Bill Nye is going to help us out this week!
Social: We're heading up north to check out the Canadian Shield region starting Monday!

This Week's Schedule:
Library books due
Friday Letters due
Mrs. Nelson away in Red Deer for Daily 5
Energy Day Assembly 12:30 p.m.
Mrs. Nelson away in Red Deer for Daily 5

Taco Time hot lunch
Choir in the music room (please note: all students who have signed up for choir are expected to be in the music room.  Students who wish to leave the choir must speak to Mrs. Garlock PRIOR to choir practice)

Staff Learning Day - no school for students

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