Monday, December 15, 2014

Dec 15-19

This is my last weekly update of the year!  I can hardly believe it!  It's been a great year and I've really enjoyed the part of it that I got to spend with your kids.  If I don't get to see you before the week is out, have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!  I hope this will be a time of rest, relaxation, and family togetherness. 

Our class has been enjoying a special December treat where they get to draw an activity out of a sock every day.  We chose one that had the students collecting change for a charity of their choice.  They chose the Last Chance Cat Ranch, a local rescue charity, as the one they'd like to support.  This will be the last week to collect change for this cause.  If you'd like to dig through your couch for some extra change, you are more than welcome to, however, please do not feel pressured at this hectic time of year.  Maybe the students could do some extra chores for a coin or two?  I know I have some cleaning around the house that my kids will be doing before Christmas comes! :)

This Week's Schedule (This will be a very busy week, so please make note of the events going on):
  • We had the first of our caroling sessions in the gym this morning
  • Friday Letters due

  • Tone It Up Tuesday
  • Caroling in the gym at about 12:45 p.m.
  • Family Fun Night 6:30-8:00 p.m.

  • Walking over to Wilson to hear the Grade 8 French class share their Christmas books in French (look for the note coming home)
  • After school skating at Adam's

  • Holiday lunch in the gym at 11:45
  • Red and Green Day
  • Christmas Craft Afternoon - if you'd like to come help us make some crafts, extra hands are always appreciated (plus it's fun!).

  • Energy Day Assembly 8:30 a.m.
  • Crazy Hair and P.J. Day
  • Last day of school before holidays!!!  See you on January 5th, 2015!!!

Over the Holidays:
  • Rest!
  • Relax!
  • Read! Don't forget to record on Reading Rewards!
  • Practice your math basic facts!
  • Play outside!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Dec 8-12

What beautiful weather we were treated to this weekend!  I hope you were able to enjoy it as much as my family did.  We were away for a hockey tournament and got to spend some quality family time together. 

  • Math:
    • We will be having the quiz for the Clocks and Calendar tomorrow (writing the date with words and in metric notation; telling time to the minute in two different ways [e.g. 5:30 and half past five]; 24-hour clocks).  Booklets were due last Friday.  I am missing a couple, so please double check with your child to make sure they handed it in.
    • We will be doing line symmetry and tessellations in both math and art for the next two weeks.  We don't really need to do tessellations in grade 4 but it makes for a very cool art project :)  There is a "Lines of Symmetry" activity in the "Geometry" section of Splash Math.
  • Language Arts:
    • We are working on a very special project.  That is all. 
    • Spelling - Lesson 4 will be due at the end of the week with a dictation on Thursday
  • Social: Just finished the Parkland Region and will be moving on to the Boreal Forest Region. 
  • Science: We will be learning more about wheels this week.

This Week's Schedule:
  • No Friday Letters due
  • Library books due

  • Tone It Up Tuesday - we strongly recommend a water bottle
  • For students in choir - singing at City Hall

  • After school skate 3:45 p.m.

  • For students in choir - singing at Park Meadows Village

  • No Enrichment until after Christmas holidays
  • Frolicking Friday

Monday, December 1, 2014

Dec 1 - Dec 5

Welcome to December!  It's crazy, we only have three weeks until our Christmas break.  With that being said, there will still be a lot of work that will be happening!

  • Sock-it-to-em campaign.  This is put on through our caretaking CUPE and the socks stay within the district (even school).  Please send a new pair of socks, if you can.
  • Please remember to send back the report card envelopes.
  • LA - writing activity from last week that will take us through to the end of the month.  We will explore a few varieties of poetry and different writings.   That's all I can say. 
  • MATH - time - clocks and calendar.  We have been working on the 24 hr clock.  The next couple of days will consist of catch up and a few games. 
  • Science - learning about rollers.
  • Social - finishing up our adventure in the Parkland region.
This week:
  • library books due back
  • Friday letters signed and returned
  • Ask your child about the Christmas sock
  • Library day
  • guitar tutoring and practice 12:05 Music Room
  • guitar club - 3:30-4:30 p.m.
  • after school skate - 3:45 - 4:45 p.m. Adam's Ice Rink (with an adult)


  • Hot lunch forms due back
  • Frolicking - please dress for the weather
  • Last day for enrichment

Monday, November 24, 2014

Nov 24-28

Well, we've reached the last week of November, and the kids are already looking ahead to Christmas!  Thank goodness the next few weeks are full weeks as we have a lot to do before then!

  • I enjoyed meeting with each of you at parent teacher interviews.  We had some nice conversations to give us some direction for the next couple of months. 
  • GREAT NEWS......Raz-Kids has an APP!  I found that out at hockey this weekend when the child sitting next to me was working on her iPad.  I searched it out and it is a free app.  The kids can use their school log in. 
  • Math - We are beginning to learn about telling time.  This week students will be exploring time, comparing digital and analog clocks, and learning to tell time by the half hour.  You can help at home by encouraging your child to practice telling time on an analog clock.
  • Language Arts -
    • Spelling - we will have a spelling dictation this Thursday; students should be practicing their sorts at home.
    • Writing - we start a special writing project this week that I can't tell you any more about! 
  • Social - We continue learning about the Parkland Region
  • Science - We will be learning about friction and force.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Library books due

    • Going to the Book Fair as a class
    • Hot lunch
    • Energy Day assembly 12:30 p.m. - the theme is Moustache Day!
    • Tone it Up Tuesday - yoga mats optional; be sure to have a water bottle
    • Last day for Book Fair
    • Family Fun Night in the gym 6:30-8:00 p.m. - all students must be accompanied by an adult

    • Guitar tutoring at lunch
    • Guitar club after school
    • Free - after school skating at Adams Ice Centre 3:45-4:45 p.m. - all skaters must have helmets and all students must be accompanied by an adult

    • Frolicking Friday

    Monday, November 17, 2014

    Nov 17-21

    • Please sign and return report card envelopes as soon as possible so we can reuse them in March.
    • Book Fair starts Thursday and runs until Tuesday.  We will visit as a class on Monday and you are welcome to shop during interviews.
    • Make sure you have signed in and signed up for a parent/teacher interview.

    • Math - We are finishing up Patterns in Equations and are starting Measurement: Calendar and Clocks.  Here are two fun websites to practicing time: Interactive Math Games and Mr. Meyer's Math Mania
    • Language Arts - Peace Poems will be finished and ready for you to read by the end of the week!  Lesson 3 in spelling went home today.
    • Social - We're going to the Parkland region!
    • Science - We are just getting into the Simple Machines unit.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Friday Letters due
    • Ask your child about the Making Connections presentation and their Band-aid

    • Library books day is today
    • Patterns quiz

    • Guitar tutoring and Guitar Club after school for those who signed up

    • Grade 5 microloan project to raise money for business people in Africa. If you would like to participate, please send $1-5 to purchase items or make donations.
    • Early dismissal for students (11:45)
    • Parent/Teacher interviews in the afternoon and evening

    • Parent/Teacher interviews in the morning

    Wednesday, November 12, 2014

    Nov 12-14

    Welcome back!  I hope you all enjoyed a fantastic long weekend with your family sharpening the saw.  I know I did and I'm all ready to go.  We have six weeks of learning until the Christmas break - - that's crazy!

    • Just like that, it's winter!  It seems a little harder to adjust when we went from +14 to -14 in a few short days.  However, it is just that much more important that our kids are dressed properly for the weather.  It looks like it's hanging around for awhile so if you need some assistance getting your child a proper snow suit, winter boots, mitts or a hat, please let me or the office know and we will help you out.  School board policy states that we go outside for recess as long as the wind chill does not drop below -19. 
    • It's that time again!  Parent/teacher interviews are fast approaching.  Please register for an account and book an interview by following this link.  I like to meet with ALL parents so if none of the times work for you, please let me know so we can get together at another time.  It's so important to be on the same page for your child's learning.
    • Mrs. Bedford's grade 2 class raised over $600 for their Bridges of Hope program.  Thank you for your support! 

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Welcome back!

    • Hot lunch money due
    • Beef jerky pickup 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the first foyer

    • Frolicking Friday if the temperature (including wind chill) is -19 or higher
    • Report cards go home

    Monday, November 3, 2014

    Nov. 3 - 7

    • Last week we had a Show What You Know in math with adding and subtracting 3- and 4-digit numbers including estimation.  The students showed that they need a little more practice, so we're going to try again.  Today's class will be a review and tomorrow we will try again.  Please check with your child to see how well they know how to do this important skill.
    • The study guides and booklets went home last week to study for the science test which is tomorrow.
    • To ensure our students are ready to learn, it is important that they are eating well, particularly after a Halloween weekend!  Please send no more than one or two small candies for your child to enjoy at school. 
    • Reminder that there is no school on Mon. Nov. 10 and Tues. Nov. 11 next week for the Remembrance Day/fall break.

    In the Classroom:
    • Math - After our adding and subtracting review, we will move on to equations in patterns. Splash Math has adding and subtracting up to 100 000 which is very helpful to practice regrouping (AKA carrying/borrowing) even if the students don't need to add that high yet.
    • Language Arts - there are no new spelling words this week.  In writing, we are starting to write our peace poems.  The students' suspense stories are now due.
    • Science - After our test tomorrow, we will begin the next unit.  It's a big one because it combines two topics - B: Wheels and Levers, and C: Building Devices and Vehicles that Move.  We call the unit "Simple Machines."
    • Social - continuing with the Foothills Region.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Friday Letters due
    • Home Alone program for those who signed up
    • Library books due

    • School Council meeting 6:30 p.m.
    • Indy 500 - bring a water bottle

    • Guitar tutoring in the music room at lunch
    • Home Alone program for those who signed up
    • Guitar Club after school for those who joined

    • We will be visiting Mrs. Bedford's grade 2 class at 1:30 p.m. for their iced tea/cookies/art/jewelry sale.  They are raising money for the Bridges of Hope program and are asking students to bring $1-$5 to either buy something or make a donation.  For more information, watch a video here.

    • Remembrance Day Assembly 10:15 a.m.

    Monday, October 27, 2014

    October 27-31

    I'm glad to be back to a normal routine this week with a full week of learning!

    Halloween is Friday.  Students are asked to come to school dressed up.  Students are asked not to wear violent or gory costumes to our school Halloween celebration.  As an inclusive school, we have students of many ages and from many countries.  Please help your child respect the diversity of our school by keeping costumes appropriate for the expectations of this building.


    LA - Story writing - by the end of the week students will be handing in their short suspenseful story.  They will get class time to complete this task.
    MATH - adding and subtracting 3 & 4 digit numbers to 10 000.  Please remember to practice your math basic facts at home on a daily basis.
    SCIENCE - finishing up our Lights & Shadows unit.  There will be a test next Tuesday.  A study guide will be handed out today with a review class on Thursday.
    SOCIAL - continuing our learning about the Foothills Region of Alberta


    • Fundraising envelopes are due in.
    • Library books due.
    • Math page 22/23 due in today also.
    • Home Alone Program for some students that registered.
    • Crazy Hat Day!
    • 8:30 assembly and hot lunch day!
    • Tone it up Tuesday - please bring a water bottle.  Yoga mats are optional.
    • Family Fun Night in the gym (with an adult) 6:30-8:00 p.m.

    • Picture retakes in the upper library - this morning only!

    • Halloween Assembly Parade - 8:30-9:00 a.m.
    • We will be writing our Friday Letters today.
    • Halloween centers with our class and Mrs. Samayoa's class. 
    • No Frolicking Friday today.

    Monday, October 20, 2014

    Oct 20-24

    Another short week is upon us!  Short for students that is.  Teachers will be at school Thursday afternoon and Friday to learn and to work, but students will be let out on Thursday at 11:45.  With that in mind, you will not receive a Friday letter this week.

    In the Classroom:

    • Math - patterns are finished with for now, but we will come back to them later.  In the meantime, we will be working on adding and subtracting up to 4-digit numbers.
      • Splash Math activities to help: Round Numbers (for help with estimation), Addition up to 100 000 and Subtraction up to 100 000 (even though we only go up to 4-digit numbers in grade 4).  Also, Math Facts practice in addition and subtraction up to 9 will be very beneficial.
    • Language Arts 
      • Writing - we are getting closer to writing our suspense stories.  My goal is that the students have completed their story plans by Thursday.
      • Spelling - new words are coming home this week.
      • Reading - Thank you for supporting your child's at home reading and helping him or her to log their reading time.
    • Science - we will not spend quite as much time on regular science classes this week as we have Scientists in School coming tomorrow.  This program will cover pretty much the whole unit in one afternoon and is a great supplement to what we are teaching.
    • Social - today we began learning about the Foothills Region of Alberta.

    This Week's Schedule:

    • Clothing exchange - students will be shopping this afternoon, and the gym will be open to the public after school


    • Scientists in School - we have Scientist Anne, a remote sensing scientist, coming to work with us all morning to teach us more about lights and shadows!
    • Library books due 
    • No Tone It Up Tuesday


    • School ends at 11:45 a.m. - teacher learning day in the afternoon

    • No school for students - teacher learning day

    Wednesday, October 15, 2014

    Week of Oct. 13-17, 2014

    Welcome back!  I hope everyone had a wonderful break, enjoyed the beautiful weather and got a chance to spend time with family and/or loved ones.

    In the Classroom:
    • Language Arts - we will be starting to write suspense stories next week.  Tomorrow we will be having a spelling dictation.
    • Math - we are finishing patterns this week. Please ask your child if they have completed their booklet.
    • Social Studies - quiz on the Rocky Mountain Region on Friday.
    • Science - we only have one period this week but we will be learning about shadows.

    This Week's Schedule:

    • Thanksgiving Day

    •  Professional Learning Day for teachers

    • Author visit - ask your child about the author who came to talk to us today!
    • No library today

    • School job applications due

    • Hot lunch money due
    • Frolicking Friday

    Monday, October 6, 2014

    Oct 6 - 10

    It's hard to believe that we are already into October and fall is upon us.  Please remember to have your child dress for the crazy Southern Alberta weather. 

  • We were challenged by Mrs. Samayoa's class to a reading competition.  Our class did a fantastic job logging their reading but came up short by about 300 minutes.  The details have not been finalized as to when we will be cleaning their room. 

  • Did you know that this week is Fire Prevention Week?  This year's theme is "Working fire alarms save lives."  It's a good idea to check your smoke detector twice a year to make sure it's working, so when you have to change your clocks for Daylight Savings, check your smoke detector too!

  • In the Classsroom:
    LA -
    • Guided reading starts.  Each child has been placed in a group at his/her reading level and will be in a small group with an adult. 
    • Guided spelling starts this week also.  Each child has also been leveled according to their spelling ability.  New spelling new sorts will be given out every other week.  Please practice the sorts at home.  (Refer to the blue newsletter that went home today). 
    • Lastly, we are starting a "Suspense" story writing unit. 
    • We finished up with graphing last week (bar graphs and pictographs)
    • This week, our focus is on PATTERNS!
    Science -  continuing on with Lights and Shadows.  We will be talking about refraction, absorption, reflection and transparent, translucent and opaque.

    Social - a more guided in depth study of the Rocky Mountain Region.

    This week:
    • Friday letters signed and returned
    • Library books due in
    • Picture money due
    • Library day today
    • Tone it up Tuesday - will be INDY 500.  Please remember your water bottle.


    • Frolicking Friday - please dress for the weather.

    Monday, September 29, 2014

    Sept 29-Oct 3

    Thank you for an amazing Trickster week!  The show was fabulous!  The kids were amazing and the memories will last a lifetime.   I will say though that I am glad to be back into a routine this week for our learning.

    • As the weather gets cooler, please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. We only keep students in for indoor recess when the temperature drops to -19 or is unsafe (e.g. abnormally strong winds or a thunderstorm).

    In the Classroom:
    • Math - finishing up the graphing unit. Please keep practicing on Splash Math at home.
    • LA - we are finishing up our Life Maps and starting a suspense story writing unit. This is our last week of homophones (please practice on; and our last week for SRA.
    • Social - we will resume this subject this week now that Trickster is over and are starting to learn about the Rocky Mountain Region.
    • Science - we will be studying how objects are either transparent, translucent or opaque.

    This Week's Schedule:
    • Friday letters were a little different last week.  Make sure your child took the time to write in their own behaviour paragraph.  I enjoy reading the comments and letters you write back to your child. 
    • Library books due.

    • Energy Day assembly 12:30 p.m.
    • Art Portfolios due - students have had 2 hours of class time and an extra week and a half to complete this project. Please check in with your child to see if they have taken care of this "Big Rock"

    • Life Maps due - this project was started the week before last. The students had all last week to work on it and a little bit of this week. These may come home for homework since so much class time was given. Please check in with your child about this project as well.

    • Frolicking Friday
    • Enrichment starts!

    Monday, September 22, 2014

    TRICKSTER WEEK - - Sept 22-26

    The week we have all been waiting for!!! TRICKSTER IS HERE! And with it, a LOAD of EXCITEMENT!  We had an opening assembly this morning to introduce the students to the high energy program that they will experience all week!  I know I am super excited as are the students!  I know this will be a week they will not forget!

    With that being said, the schedule has been a little changed - - all week!  I have asked that the students TRUST me with what will happen this week as we will have to be super flexible with Trickster, learning and practicing. 

    I can't wait to see what happens with our Trickster leader Brianna, and I hope you have the discussions tonight with your son or daughter to find out what we did with our session.

    • We have challenged Mrs. Nelson's class to a reading competition! The class with the most number of reading minutes logged on this week is the winner!
    • For the Trickster performances, seating is limited so make sure you have sent in your ticket request form. Students will perform at both the Thursday evening and the Friday morning performance. Keep a close eye on the agenda for updated Trickster information.
    • If you are able to volunteer at all this week, we would LOVE to have you! The parent command centre will be set up in the staff room to get ready for this amazing event.
    • Our school's grand total for the Terry Fox run donations was over $600!! I was very proud of our class; we raised $31 which works out to more than a dollar per student. Way to go!!

    In the Classroom:
    • Math - this week we will be working on the graphing unit. Please keep practicing place value, comparing and ordering numbers and writing numbers in different ways on
    • Language Arts - we are right into our Life Map project. Students may be coming home asking for details about their lives! I've recommended they look through family photos for ideas.
    • Science - we have a couple of loose ends to tie up this week as well as learning about how light travels.
    • Social - we are taking a bit of a hiatus in social this week to make room for Trickster.
    • French - also going on hiatus.
    • Art - we have finished our first project in class which was to create the cover of their art portfolio. Students had the silhouette of their heads traced and then drew their name and things that were important to them inside. No more class time will be given for this project and it is due Sept. 30. This week we will be creating optical illusions.

    • Friday letters returned.
    • There will be no library tomorrow (this week) so students can keep their books with them.
    • Trickster ticket forms due in.
    • Job applications due in
    • No Tone it up Tuesday as we will be working with Trickster.

    • TRICKSTER performance - 6:30 p.m.  (don't forget your tickets!)
    • TRICKSTER performance - 9:30 a.m.  (don't forget your tickets!)

    Thursday, September 18, 2014

    A beautiful sighting...

    On our ride in this morning, we were fortunate enough to see a bull moose off in the coulees.  What a great opportunity to take a moment, reflect, and of course, take a picture!  We are so lucky to share this land with the animals and to respect them too. 

    Monday, September 15, 2014

    Sept 15-22

    Welcome back!  One thing I noticed with my personal children this weekend was that they were tired from a full week of routine!  I'm sure you noticed that too.  With another full week, we need to all work together to sharpen the saw and get our daily rest.  (Keeping in mind, next week is TRICKSTER and it is going to be busy and EXCITING!)

    Last week we had the opportunity to create our problem for Trickster.  The entire show comes from ideas and thoughts brainstormed from the class.  I can't wait to see what the final outcome will be!!  A couple of things in regard to Trickster
    1. They are looking for large pieces of cardboard.  They can be brought into the school and the office will help you out.
    2. Parent volunteers...if you are able to spare an hour or two, that would be fabulous!  Again, I sent home a grey sheet if you haven't filled it out already.  Thank you.

    What we are learning...

  • Language Arts

    • Spelling - working on no excuse homophones. Spelling City is up and running with an assignment set for students to practice these important words starting on Wednesday. (See the Student Logins tab for details).
    • Reading - we are working on the SRA Reading Laboratory which allows students to work independently at their own level. This program will run until the end of September. Students should be reading a minimum of 15 minutes a day at home. Don't forget to log their minutes on for prizes!!
    • Writing - we are just about to start a Life Map writing project.
  • Math - we are just finishing up our unit on whole numbers. Splash Math has some really great activities to help kids practice place value, comparing and ordering numbers and writing numbers in different ways. We will be heading into our graphing unit later this week.
  • Science - our Lights and Shadows unit has just got underway. Hopefully you read about the experiment we did last week in your child's Friday Letter.
  • Social - last week the students were introduced to the prehistory of Alberta and to Alberta's six regions. Ask your son or daughter about the cool map they made!

  • Monday
    • Friday letters due.  Thank you to the parents who have taken the time to respond to your child's writing. 
    • Library books due.
    • Tone it up Tuesday.  Bring a water bottle and yoga mat (optional)
    • Library day today!
    • Bus evacuation practice

    • Terry Fox assembly and run at 9:00 a.m.  As a school, we are committed to the Terry Fox foundation and again we are collecting donations for cancer research.  Our school goal is for every child to bring in $1, just as it was Terry's goal. 
    • Classroom JOB applications will be coming home and need to be returned Tuesday, September 23. 
    • Pig and Pumpkin festival at Broxburn Vegetables and Cafe - proceeds go to our school!!

    Monday, September 8, 2014

    Sept. 8-12

    Week 2 is under way with a full week of learning ahead!  Thank you for a great first week and I look forward to more to come.  

    We are working on our routines, getting to know each other and the expecatations we have of each other.  I look forward to great things this year from your child and their peers!

    • Friday Letters to be returned.  Thank you to the parents who wrote back to their child.  I enjoyed reading the feedback this morning. 
    • ME Museum Projects were due in today.  We will be presenting them all week and I look forward to learning more about you.
    • We started French today!  Ask your child what they learned.
    • Parent Council tonight at 6:30 (and as I shut down my computer for the night and leave the meeting, I realized that I did not hit publish on this document!  My apologies!)

    • First day of library!
    • Tone It Up Tuesday - bring a water bottle.

    • Family BBQ and Meet the Teacher Night - I look forward to meeting with all of you that night!

    • Frolicking Friday - please make sure your child is dressed for the weather and has good shoes for running and walking

    Tuesday, September 2, 2014

    Sept. 2 - 5 - WELCOME BACK

    I am so excited to welcome you to my class this year! I can't wait to see the awesome learning and adventures that you child and myself will embark on. It was a pleasure to meet some of you this morning as well as your child and I'm thankful that they are here. I only ask one thing of your child and that is that they try their best. Please take the time to ask your child what the rules are of the classroom (and they should be able to tell you as I only have two!)

    I use this blog as a tool to help keep you informed with upcoming events, learning happening in the classroom and little things that can be done at home to help out the school environment. I do my best to update this blog once a week (every Monday) but I would like to make it a goal this year to add some other posts.

    A couple of other pieces of information before I give you the weekly update:
    1. Please read and sign your child's agenda. Please do this every day even if there is not a message.
    2. Home Reading is a very important component of a child's learning and it starts now!  The expectation is that your child reads for 15 minutes a night. 
    3. There is an option to the left to "Follow by Email." If you would like to receive email notifications of when my blog is updated, please sign up.
    4. LOGINS - we use a variety of computer programs.  The logins will be posted shortly.
    5. Reminder about the 2 shoe rule.  If this is a concern to you, please come and see me. 

    Lastly, you can reach me at for any other communications.   

    This week at a glance:

    • Welcome to school! 

    • ME Museum project coming home - due next week Monday, Sept. 8.
    • Recycling will start.  Each grade 4 student will take part this year for 4 or 5 weeks.  I am the supervisor in charge.  This is part of the Grade 4 curriculum and the rewards will go back to the grade 4 classes.  We also bring in a production for the whole school. 

    • Welcome Back Assembly 8:30 a.m.
    • First day of Frolicking Friday - wear appropriate outdoor footwear.

    Thank you for leaving your child in my care this year. It is an honour.

    Monday, June 16, 2014

    June 16-20

    This is our last full week of school as next week students finish at 11:45 on Thursday. HOWEVER, we are still learning and working right up until the last minute, and so the school's expectation is that students come to school with the right attitude and ready to participate. Thank you for your support with this - I know it's hard at this time of year!

    • I forgot to change the deadline for ordering school supplies on the form that went home last week. The deadline is June 26th NOT June 13th like it says on the order form. We are trying something new this year to hopefully make ordering school supplies easier for parents. As a parent myself, I am quite excited to have school supplies taken care of before this year even ends so that I don't have to join the mad rush in August to hunt down everything my kids need for next year.
    • Westminster School is having the grand opening for their new playground on June 25th at 5:30 p.m.
    • You will start to see items coming home this week that we are no longer in need of at school. Take some time to go over these with your child and find out what we've been up to!
    • PE is going to be mostly outside from now until the end of the month. Please make sure your child has good shoes to be active in for outside.
    • All library books are now past due. If you haven't already, please either return the book or send the fee listed on the overdue notice that was sent home last week.

    This week's schedule:
    • We had our first rugby lesson today!

    • Rugby lessons - no Tone it up Tuesday

    • Rugby lessons
    • Pow Wow demonstration - 10:30-11:30 a.m.

    • Frolicking Friday

    Monday, June 9, 2014

    June 9 - 13

    Thank you to the parents who joined us on the field trip today to The Fort in Fort Macleod.  We enjoyed your company and help.  I hope to you enjoyed the day as much as your child did.

    This is yet again another quick week.  We have some work to do, some playing too and of course the last of some learning. 

    • Field Trip....THANK YOU!
    • Parent Council tonight at 6:30 - this is the AGM and all are invited. 
    • Books due - we will not be checking out any more books for the year.
    • SPORTS Day!  If you are able to volunteer, please drop me an email or call the office.  All help is appreciated!  

    Monday, June 2, 2014

    June 2-6

    My biggest apologies!  I have missed the last few weeks along with everything else, I am very sorry!

    It is now June and these next four weeks are going to go by awfully fast!  There are a lot of things planned including learning, fun times and the continued expectations.  I look forward to a fun filled month with your child!

    Did you know it's Environment Week/World Oceans Week this week?


    • School registrations are now past due and class lists are being prepared for next year
    • Permission forms for the Fort Macleod field trip are due ASAP.  Our field trip is Monday, June 9th.  Thank you to all the parent volunteers who have offered to join with us.

    This week's schedule:
    • Ask your child how we did on our fire drills today
    • Library day is today. 

    • HOJA performance 2:00 p.m.

    • Spring Concert on the east field 6:00 p.m.  Your child will be performing. 

    • No more Enrichment.  I hope your child has enjoyed this opportunity all year.  I know the teachers certainly have. 
    • Frolicking Friday

    Monday, May 12, 2014

    Week of May 12-16

    It's May and the sun is shining, finally!

    Important Reminders:
    The registration forms for the 2014-2015 school year were sent home last Thursday.  If you are planning to send your child to Galbraith School next year, please return these forms no later than May 30. Thank you.

    This week at a glance:
    • Library books are due
    • Parent council is tonight at 6:30 in the first foyer.  All are welcome to attend.

    • Library day is today!
    • Tone it up Tuesday (have a water bottle)
    • Special Safety Presentation from the City of Lethbridge
    • Spring Picture Day is today!


    • Project fair this morning!
    • Enrichment Friday!
    • Frolicking Friday too - regardless of the weather - I am hoping for sunshine!!
    • Hot lunch money is due in. 

    Monday, May 5, 2014

    May 5-9

    Food for thought this week:
    The Southern Alberta Art Gallery is hosting the he Arts Alive and Well in the Schools exhibit.  Each class in our school sent in a piece of art to display and there is a huge collection of artwork from students across the city.  What a great way to celebrate the artists among us all. 

    This week's schedule:
    • Library books are due today
    • T-shirts for Mother's Day project due - we start the projects this afternoon and will finish them during our art class on Wednesday so if your child has not brought their T-shirt, please send it ASAP as they are now behind on their project.

    • Library day
    • Tone it up Tuesday - please bring a water bottle
    • Swimming this afternoon!  We will walk over for a 1p.m. start and be back at school in time for the end of the day. 

    • Volunteer Breakfast in the gym starting at 8:45 a.m. An invitation went home in the May newsletter for anyone who has helped out through the school year. If you are one of those people, please come as we would like an opportunity to express our gratitude.

    • Final PD Day of the year - no school for students

    Monday, April 28, 2014

    April 28 - May 2

    Welcome back!  I hope you all had a restful break!  It was nice to get up this morning to sun shining and routine!  I look forward to a fast, fun filled rest of the year with only NINE weeks left!  Isn't that crazy?!

    • T-shirts for our secret project are due May 5. I have only received two students' shirts. We will not be providing T-shirts, so students who don't bring one will not be able to make this gift.
    • As the weather gets warmer, all students should have a water bottle they can bring into class. Please make sure all water bottles are labeled and contain only water.
    • Also, we will be swimming next Wednesday, May 7.  I will need parent volunteers.  If you are able to help out with this, can you let me know through email or in your child's agenda.  Thank you in advance.

    This week's schedule:
    • Welcome back!

    • Energy Day Assembly 8:30 a.m.
    • Hot Lunch Day
    • Library books due
    • Back to Tone it up Tuesday
    • Parent Habit Hang Out 6:30 p.m.

    • Evergreen Theatre presentation: Invasion of the Pine Beetle 8:30 a.m.

    • Waste in our World unit test
    • Family Fun Night in the gym 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

    • Frolicking Friday - the field may be wet so wear appropriate outdoor footwear

    Monday, April 14, 2014

    April 14 - 18

    I had a fabulous time in Edmonton getting the chance to tour two Leader in Me schools, take lots of pictures and bring back a ton of ideas for the classroom.  I also attended three different break out sessions on Wednesday of my choice.  The first one I went to was listening to Dr. John and Jane Covey about bringing the 7 Habits to families.  Another session was how one school uses leadership notebooks and taking information from them to adapt it into my own classroom and the school too and just finding what way works best.  The last session I went to was probably the best.  It was put on by the LEGO corporation and the whole time was spent playing with Lego!  They even gave each participant in the session a mini bag to take home.   They gave us a variety of real life ways to use Lego in the classroom.  If you happen to have any Lego that you are wanting to get rid of, or see it at a garage sale, keep me in mind and I will gladly reimburse you and use it for our Leaders of Tomorrow! 

    I enjoyed though coming back to see how the students did with their own leadership roles with the substitute teacher and overall the feedback was quite positive, with a few fixes to be done.  Having them take an active role in their learning puts them in charge, helps them to be proactive and of course we all win!

    This week's schedule:
    • THREE important pieces of paper are coming home today - one about our in-class science project on Wednesday (recycled robots), another is a study guide for the Waste in our World science test that will happen after the break, the final one is a request for a T-shirt we can use
    • School Council tonight at 6:30 with a call being made to the Minister of Education

    • Library books due
    • Last day of gymnastics - look for gym clothes to come home
    • Beef jerky pickup - 6:00-8:00 p.m.

    • Recycled Robots day - have any junk items to school by then (see yellow note coming home)

    • No school - Good Friday

    Next week:
    • Monday to Friday - no school for Spring/Easter Break - enjoy the time off!  We will return to school Monday, April 28. 

    Monday, April 7, 2014

    April 7 - 11

    I will be gone this week on Tuesday and Wednesday in Edmonton for a Leader in Me conference. I am excited to be going to learn more about this wonderful program.  I have confidence in my students that they will have a couple of fantastic days with my sub Mr. Wright.  He used to work at our school as an assistant and I excited now that he is a teacher.  I have assigned each student a leadership role that they are to take over the next couple of days.  Ask your child what their job is. 

    • Math - area & perimeter
    • Science - continuing in Waste in our World
    • LA - moving on to comic writing
    • PE - gymnastics - remember to have shorts and short sleeve shirts
    • Library books due back
    • Library today
    • The students will not be going to gymnastics today because a sub cannot take them into the gym for this activity.  Instead, they will be frolicking outside!
    • Mrs. Nelson is in Edmonton.
    • Mrs. Nelson is in Edmonton
    • Look for a note coming home regarding the grade 3 cupcake sale.

    • Grade 3 cupcake sale - $0.50 per cupcake

    • 2nd class of enrichment!

    Monday, March 31, 2014

    March 31 - April 4

    I was away this afternoon at a math workshop and I am so excited for the new resource that I have to use with the children.  We are just waiting for the release of it before I can use it. 

    Thank you for returning your beef jerky envelopes.  I am looking forward to my order coming in myself!

    • Gymnastics starts.  Please make sure your child has a pair of shorts and a short sleeve shirt.
    • Library books are due back.
    • no school today for students as staff have a district PD day

    Monday, March 24, 2014

    Week of March 24-28

    Sorry for the late post and I hope as this reaches you, you have all just come back from the Parent Habit Hang Out at the school.

    Remember to ask your hold about our new visitor student - Yukino. She will be with us for two weeks.

    Health- we started Theme V today. Please have those conversations with your child.

    Math - we are working really hard on our math basic facts - primarily multiplication and division. Practicing facts for five minutes a day will make a difference. Driving in the car, doing dishes or just before bed are ways to get some questions in quite easily. Grab a deck of cards and have your child teach you how to play 'Multiplication War' or 'A-Maze-Ing'. Of course too we have access to to use as a resource.

    Week at a View
    - library books back
    - Theme V started today

    - hot lunch day
    - assembly at 12:30 p.m.
    - remember to wear your moustache
    - Family Fun Night 6:30 in the gym

    - Theme V

    - frolicking today

    Monday, March 17, 2014

    March 17 - 21

    You should have seen the mess that those sneaky little leprechauns left...our room was a DISASTER!  Mrs. Scheldrup thinks it was because we tried to catch them this year with our fabulous traps, only it was more of a taunting.  The leprechauns took pictures of themselves in the traps and left.  There is always next year, we'll have to try again!  Thank you to all the students who quickly got to work cleaning up, putting the room back in order so that we could get to work. 

    • Celebration of Learning is tomorrow night from 6-8 p.m.   It is a come and go opportunity and I would love to see you all there.  It is a great chance to for your child to lead you through some of our daily routine activities. 
    • The book fair goes tomorrow as well while you are here for Celebration of Learning.

    • Library books are not due today as we will not be switching books tomorrow.
    • Friday letters to be returned.
    • Trickster/Fundraiser letter coming home today
    • Library - - we will have the opportunity to shop at the book fair.
    • Celebration of Learning 6-8 p.m.
    • Field trip to the SAAG at 12:30.  Thank you to the parent volunteers. 
    • The grade 4/5 classes will be walking over to Westminster School for a presentation about the Artic.

    • No school for students - I will be available if parents require an interview. Come to the Celebration of Learning first, and we might not need to meet - your questions may all be answered!

    Monday, March 10, 2014

    March 10 - 14

    First of all, I would like to thank Logan for entering our class name in a draw for Hurricane's tickets and for the luck of the draw.  I was sad though that I didn't get to sit with you and enjoy the game but I'm glad you got to spend the evening with your friends and family.

    Secondly, I was super excited this morning when the Leprechaun Traps came in.  They look very intriguing and inviting  - let's just hope we catch a Leprechaun or two this year!  Your child will be presenting their trap in science class.  Projects not handed in today are considered late (don't forget, the letter went home Jan. 21st!).

    Lastly, Tuesday, March 18th is our Celebration of Learning!! It will start at 6:00 p.m. and run until 8:00 p.m. It is a come and go event that I'm hoping all parents will be able to attend with their child. This is a fun event and students always look forward to showing off all of the hard work they've done throughout the year. See you there!

    • Language Arts: Last week we started a writing unit based on the Dr. Seuss book, "The Lorax." This ties in nicely with our new science unit.
    • Math: We are just finishing up fractions and decimals. 
    • Science: We will be starting our "Waste in our World" unit this week.

    Link of the Week:
    • Big Brainz: Ms. Scheldrup sent the staff a link around about a really neat math website. There is a home element and a school element. Part of it is free, and part of it you need to pay for. Mrs. Samayoa and I were looking into it and watching the videos and thought it looked like a really great way to practice math facts. It's in video game format which makes it really appealing to kids. They can move through the levels learning math all the way. We're deciding whether or not we'll buy it for next year, but I thought parents this year might want to take advantage of it.

    This week:
    • Leprechaun Traps due
    • Library books are due - reminder students there is a challenge from Mrs. Chase for the Book Fair
    • School Council Meeting tonight 6:30

    • Tone it up Tuesday
    • Hot lunch money due
    • Book Fair starts today!  We will get an opportunity to shop during our library class next week.

    • Frolicking Friday
    • Report cards go home 

    Monday, March 3, 2014

    March 3-7

    As I write this, the temperature has warmed up to a chilly -17 but yet warm enough to hear your child excited to go outside!  I look forward to the weather warming up and spring to be here! 

    LA - starting a new unit related to Science with Dr. Seuss and the Lorax
    Math - finishing up on fractions and decimals
    Science - wrapping up our unit on Simple Machines

    REMINDER - - the Leprechaun Traps are due next MONDAY!  (Also, don't forget to do the write up that goes with the project)

    Update on the week at hand:
    • Friday Letters due
    • Library books due back
    • Mrs. Heimbecker - our lead FNMI teacher from board office - came into our class this morning to do a presentation about residential schools and a kick off for our new social studies novel "Fatty Legs."  We will be reading this over the next couple of weeks on Fridays to learn about what the schools are and the impact they had on our society.  Ask your child what else they learned this morning from her.
    • Library day! -There is a library challenge going on...ask your child about it!

    • Science test

    • Frolicking Friday - weather permitting - cross your fingers!

    Monday, February 24, 2014

    Week of February 24-28

    Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed their break. I know I sure had a great time watching Canada win gold after gold after gold! I also did some great sessions at the Teachers' Convention and have some new ideas to implement in our classroom and some new resources to use. I'm particularly excited about a book I bought called "Fatty Legs." It's by Margaret Pokiak-Fenton and it's a true story about an Inuit girl's experiences in a residential school. I read it with my class last year and we had some great discussions. The kids really connected with the story and enjoyed it. I'm so happy to now own my own copy. We are going to begin reading it on Friday during our social studies period as it relates to our social curriculum.

    • With the cold weather paying us another visit we are looking to be spending a lot of time indoors at school. This wreaks havoc on kids as they are stuck in a limited space with the same people for days at a time. We try to take more physical breaks but it's tricky. You can help at home by making sure your kids are getting at least a breath of fresh air (bundled up warmly of course!) and making sure they are burning off the energy that accumulates after a day indoors. This helps their learning tremendously. District policy says that we stay inside if the temperature, including wind chill, is -20. Even one degree warmer and we're going outside! Please make sure your child is dressed warmly enough for the weather.
    • The leprechaun trap project is due two weeks today. If you have questions, feel free to send them with your child or contact me via email or at the school. Please remember that this is meant to be a FUN not stressful project! This a chance for your child to show off his or her knowledge of simple machines, to demonstrate their creativity and to have some fun doing it. 

    This week's schedule:
    • Olympics Podium Pages due
    • Library books due

    • Assembly at 8:30 a.m.
    • Hot lunch day
    • Tone it up Tuesday
    • New Spelling City assignments (due March 12)

    • Grand re-opening of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre. Activities will be going on until 6:00 p.m. and through the weekend. Visit their website here for more information.

    • Frolicking Friday (weather permitting)

    Monday, February 10, 2014

    February 10-14

    Wow - February 10!  When I said that this morning with the students it sounded odd.  Where has half the year gone?  This week is a busy one with the finishing of Humphrey, cheering on our athletes and celebrating Valentine's Day at the end of the week.

    One thing we did discuss in regards to Humphrey was unplugging our electronics and turning them off.  I did challenge those students that take their electronic devices to bed to try to leave them in the kitchen at bedtime.  Research has shown us that kids are not getting enough sleep (and even the deep REM sleep to develop) and it is due to our devices.  This is a challenge for us all really.  I also did tell the students that it takes 21 days to make it a habit, so let's try this out.  One step at a time!

    Curriculum Update:
    Math - fractions
    Science - levers ** this is the last bit of the unit and we will be having a unit exam March 6.  For a heads up there is a review sheet on the webpage. 
    LA - finishing up on Humphrey! Also, we are looking into the Olympics.... (that will be a homework assignment over the reading break)

    • Library books due
    • No Friday letters to return
    • Library day today!
    • Humphrey visits OUR classroom! 
    • 100 Day of school for Grades 1 & 2

    • Valentine's Day party from 9-10 a.m.
    • I HEART Humphrey wind up assembly 10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
    • copies of Humphrey will be coming home with the oldest child
    • Frolicking Friday!  Please cross your fingers for the weather to cooperate!

    LASTLY - I forgot one student on our Valentine list - that would be Miss Kitana!  My apologies girl!

    Tuesday, February 4, 2014

    Mr. Schorr

    Hello parents,

    Yesterday Mrs. Samayoa and I learned that Mr. Schorr will be leaving Galbraith School due to health concerns. He was scheduled to be with our two classes until the middle of April however, he is finished his practicum immediately. A note from Mr. Schorr is coming home today.

    How will this impact our class? Well the most obvious one is that I will be resuming teaching the subjects he was responsible for: math, computers, and PE. The marks on the report card will reflect both his and my marks. Another impact will be that the Class Dojo project will not be going ahead. This was something that Mr. Schorr was working on with the students and I will not be continuing it as I had never planned to be involved in the first place.

    We wish Mr. Schorr luck wherever his path ends up taking him.

    Mrs. Nelson

    Monday, February 3, 2014

    Feb 3 - 7

    Welcome to February!  I was glad to hear that our groundhog said that spring would soon be here, but by the looks of today....well....then again, he is only a groundhog - not a meteorologist.  Yet, we can wishful think!

    There are a lot of things happening here in the next couple of weeks in regards to curriculum, projects and of course Valentine's Day.  Hold on, as time is going to fly by!

    Curriculum Update
    LA - Humphrey all the way!  Remember to check the blog and Mrs. Chase's question of the day blog too.  There will be no formal spelling these next two weeks, as we want to devote our time to the One School One Book project. 
    Math - multiply and divide by 0 & 1.  Understading the rules, rather than memorizing will help with student success!  We will also be moving into fractions (of a whole and of a set)
    Science - continuing our learning on Gears

    • Library books & Friday letters are due.
    • Library day


    • No School - Professional Learning Day

    -- -- Remember to be thinking of your Leprechaun Trap.  It is due Monday, March 10. 
    On a side note, students will also have a take home Olympic project over the break that will be due Monday February 24, 2014.   Thank you!

    Valentine's List

    We will be exchanging our Valentine's on Friday, February 14 in class. 

    Eric A.
    Eric B.

    Mrs. Nelson
    Ms. Hopp
    Mrs. Sincennes

    Monday, January 27, 2014

    Jan 27-31

    Today is the day!  Grant woke me up this morning with, "Mom, today is January 27 and I've been counting.  Today is the day that Humphrey comes to school - a real live hamster."  My reply was, "No, honey, I don't think a live hamster is coming to school, but today we do start our One School One Book project of reading 'The World According to Humphrey.'"  He was certain that a real live hamster was going to be here today and when we walked into the school there was a different feeling this morning. 

    Yes, we had an assembly today to kick off the beginning of our One School One Book and we were privledged to meet up with the school's newest member - Humphrey!  He is so cute!  Today in class we read chapter one and found out who this Humphrey character is.  If you have a moment, stay connected to the school and follow along with Humphrey's blog by clinking this link.  Lastly, don't forget to ask your child their new name - according to Humphrey.

    Curriculum Update
    LA - the start of One School One Book; finishing up on our picture stories
    Science - finishing up on belt drive systems and moving into gears
    Math - finishing up on patterns and moving into Multiply & Divide by 0 & 1

    • Quick introduction assembly for One School One Book
    • Library books are due
    • Friday letters handed in
    • Energy day assembly - 12:30 p.m. - - wear a TOQUE!
    • Library day is today!
    • HOT lunch day - WOHOO!
    • Spelling City is due today...there will be class time given

    • Frolicking Friday
    • No enrichment this week - we will be focusing on 'The World According to Humphrey'

    Have a great week!

    Monday, January 20, 2014

    Jan 20 - 24

    Good morning!  The sun is shining, I think I hear birds chirping and we even had some tulips popping through the ground over the weekend, only we must remember, it is just still January!  We have to love Mother Nature!!

    Math - patterns (extending patterns in tables and charts and looking at equations in patterns)
    Science - finished up on pulleys last week and moving into wheel drive systems this week
    LA - LOST Photo story
    Spelling - new words this week.  We started something new in addition to the activities.  A sort will be sent home to practice the words and the rules that go along with the lesson.

    • Library books are due
    • Friday letters to be returned
    • Library is today!
    • Grade level assembly for our class.  Ask your child what they discussed today.

    • Frolicking Friday
    • Enrichment!

    Monday, January 13, 2014

    Jan 13-17

    Sorry for the late post!  It really was a goal to be during the school day, only today totally got away from me!  I hope you all had a great weekend and wonderful, windy, white Monday! 

    We continue to work on the curriculum from last week while expanding our understandings in many areas.

    • Friday Letters are due
    • Library books due back
    • Munsch-O-Rama - 2 p.m. in the gym (due to this, there will be no Tone it Up Tuesday)

    • Hot lunch forms are due in 
    • Frolicking Friday - double digit weather and I look forward to it!  
    • Enrichment Friday - I hope your child enjoyed last's week session

    Monday, January 6, 2014

    January 6 - 10

    Welcome back!! It was certainly exciting to see the students this morning.  They look refreshed and ready to learn.  The next couple of weeks will be work, work, work!  We have a lot of curriculum to cover and this is a heavy amount of learning. 

    I look forward to spending the days with you and would like to also welcome Mr. Victor Schorr into our class 1/4 time.  He is in his last teaching round through the University of Lethbridge and he will be sharing his teaching time with Mrs. Samayoa's grade 4 class as well. 

    Curriculum Update:
    Math - finishing up on patterns
    LA - new year's (looking back and forward)
    Science - pulleys
    Social - Grassland region of Alberta

    • Welcome back!
    • Library day is tomorrow!
    • Bring a water bottle for Tone it UP Tuesday
    • new spelling city assigned
    • Social Studies Quiz

    • Frolicking (hopefully the weather will finally cooperate!)
    • NEW Enrichment groups START!!